March 7, 16


Greetings from Hitesh! Our post on FIIs heart change has been appreciated like anything. Thanks for being a regular reader. I was going through the list of personalities getting covered in media / events covered in media / some personalities are chased more than the other personalities by MEDIA. I have found some common elements in the same. I am sharing with an investor’s perspective.

Let me share an EXAMPLE of MARC FABER:-

I have been hearing this guys since 2004! Out of 10 predications or views he gave at least 9 are NEGATIVES about world economy / USA / USA FED or for that any other market or country. He seems to have love for talking PESSIMISM. In India also we have many such personalities.

When these guys talk NEGATIVES – they get the most coverage in MEDIA. All NORMAL guys feel that these are REAL genius and they really care for our money. By advising negatively about market to NORMAL guys – they get there place in their HEARTS.

What has happened in the market?

Since 2004, BSE Sensex has gone up from around 4000 levels to 30000 levels. US DOW has also doubled. Commodity prices have also gone up. Other world market has also gone up. If you compare the NEGATIVE views of SUCH PERSONILITIES with the MARKET movements – you will see that they are moving in opposite direction!!

In December, I had given a BOLD call to buy CRUDE while GOLDMAN SACHS guy was predicting sub USD 20 for CRUDE. Just see CRUDE is up since then!! (It is a co-incidence that WARREN BUFFETT invested USD 5.4 billion in JANUARY in Oil Refining company for the same reason which we gave in DECEMBER).

This ARTICLE is not about MARC FABER or ANY such GUY – it is about YOU. Let me deal with you.

Why you pay attentions to NEGATIVE NEWS/VIEWS/ EVENTS first than the positive NEWS?

Look at the BREAKING NEWS events in any NEWS CHANNEL – I am sure 99% of them are NEVER positive. Look at the Newspapers – they are full of RAPE/LOOT/ACCIDENTS/CHEATING and other such negative NEWS only.

Look at your life in GENERAL / your JOB / Your Business / your married life / your kids – in spite of above negative events your life is positively going ahead 99% of the time!!

My simple understanding is that over a LAKHS of years of evolution when we were staying in JUNGLE – we are constantly under pressures to save our life from UNKNOWN and SUDDEN attacks from other species. We didn’t have language / no way to express the same – but all is recorded in our MIND.

So, when we see DANGER – our mind goes back to its memory and immediately starts looking for a ways to save our life!!

So, when somebody talks negative – we immediately see him as our SAVIOUR or our FRIEND. Our SAFETY MECHNISM tells us that THIS GUY is thinking about us!! Let us follow him!!

How to deal with this issue?

If you have listened to such guys – I am sure you would have missed many great money making opportunities. So, let me show you a simple and easy to follow strategy.

1.    Look at all the NEWS / EVENTS / TALKS you are paying attentions to during the day.
2.    How many of them are NEGATIVES? Just take a mental note of the same each day before sleeping. If you wish you can NOTE down.
3.    Do this ATLEAST for a Month and by the end of the month you will become aware about your MIND’s way of working.
4.    When you become AWARE – Your MIND will automatically stop paying attentions to such events.
5.    I am blessed with very SIMPLE BRAIN and I understand and follow SIMPLE things only. Just do this and share your experience after a MONTH with me.
6.    Many will not DO THIS because this looks to EASY to DO!! If you mind stops you from doing this – just watch it. You will understand its game.

But, what about Getting COVERED in MEDIA?
Oh, you were reading this post for getting covered in MEDIA? Let me make you happy too. Just start talking NEGATIVE about SYSTEM/GOVERNMENT/WORLD ECONOMY/ANY RELIGIONS or RELIGIOUS PRACTICES/ MARKET.

You will get good coverage for sure.

What NEXT?

Today is SHIV RATRI. SHIV is the destroyer of DARKNESS / NEGATIVES. Awaken today the SHIV in you and you will be able to DESTROY all NEGATIVES from your life.

Happy Investing.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh or on WhatsApp - +91-9869425399 or www.hiteshmparikh.com

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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