The BUDGET is a PROOF that our PREDICATION on Mr. Modi is Coming 100% right – just read.

March 1, 16

The BUDGET is a PROOF that our PREDICATION on Mr. Modi is Coming 100% right – just read.

Greetings from Hitesh! The most awaited event of the FEBRUARY is over. The BUDGET is over and MEDIA guys are busy giving you the ANALYSIS. According to some it is GOOD / some it is BAD and some it is MIXED!! We have only one view – how to make money out of this?

Mr.Modi is criticized for taking a “U” turn from his reform agenda proposed in last two budgets. How do we see?

We see CHANKYA in the form of Mr.Modi:-

In theory, he has the majority in Parliament and he could take many bold steps if he wishes. But in practice he had not been able to pass the major reforms bill like GST in spite of his majority. In fact, Make In India and START UP INDIA also took back stage in this BUDGET.

He has given a SURPRISE to the opposition by supporting all of their SCHEMES. Now, the opposition can’t OPPOSE the same. The only change this time is that the monitoring of the schemes will be much better than the last time.

What we had PREDICATED on 7th FEB.,2016?

On 7th FEB – way ahead of the BUDGET we had written about Mr.MODI in our post titled  – REVISTING MODI’s HOROSCOPE and we had categorically said

 – “Going forward – he will have the support of 11th and 10th RAHU for 3 years in dealing with DIFFICULT and DESTURCTIVE forces in INDIA and its NEIGHBOURHOOD. Mr.Narendra Modi will make good the losses he suffered in last 18 months and re-establish himself as a HERO in the eyes of NORMAL INDIAN. Stars indicate that he will fulfill his promise of ACCHE DIN in coming 3 years!!

Read above – how accurate our system was in telling us well in ADVANCE? He has started taking head on with the Difficult and Destructive forces with this BUDGET. First time in India – PM office was also involved in drafting BUDGET along with Finance Ministry. The Result is The MOST Comprehensive BUDGET given in Indian History So Far. We like the BUDGET as it is!!

We see Mr.Narendra Modi taking major policy initiatives in second half of 2016 to boost SUPPLY side in the country. He will have his fair share of challenges but stars indicate that he will put India back on the Path of HIGH GROWTH.

With focus on RURAL India and FARMERS – he will surely improve the supply side of the economy in the second half of 2016.

We did not know about BUDGET. But our system is very powerful in telling us in ADVANCE about the coming events.

What NEXT?

If our TRACK RECORD inspires you – I suggest you be with us and make tons of money.

We are approaching MAHA SHIVRATRI on 7th March. We have advised our clients some of the REMEDIES they can carry out based on their BIRTH DETAILS. This is 100% FREE. If you also want to take advantage of the FREE and MOST VALUE ADDED services – please contact us.

Wish You ALL a Very Happy MARCH.

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Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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