How Come EXPERT TRADERS In Personal Life Are Failures in MARKET TRADING?

March 13, 16

How Come EXPERT TRADERS In Personal Life Are Failures in MARKET TRADING?

Greetings from Hitesh! Most readers of my last post on DESTINY were surprised when they read the HOLISTIC thinking on DESTINY. They are happy that we have given them the BIRD EYE VIEW of the Subject. Many have requested to plan a book. Thanks for being such a loving readers.

Today morning when I got up – suddenly a thought came – how come successful people in NORMAL life becomes BAD traders when it comes to MARKET? I have heard many failed guys talking – Market is a CHEATING/ SAB GOLMAAL HEY. Are they RIGHT? Let me give some examples of TRADING in PERSONAL Life.

1.     During GANESH CHATURTHI or NAVRATRI or ANY SUCH OCCASSIONS – group of people in your AREA comes to you for DONATIONS. Rather then ARGUING with them – you just give them DONATIONS.
2.     You are passing by a ROAD / Coming out of TEMPLE and you SEE a BEGGER in very BAD SITUATIONS – you suddenly take out some money and give it to HIM.
3.     You do some VRAT/FASTING/DONATIONS/ Religious CHARITY / walking miles for DARHSAN for some benefits in this life or HEAVEN or MOKSHA after your DEATH.
4.     You teach your CHILD to say THANK YOU and SORRY to others when they do GOOD to him and when he makes mistakes. In fact, you also follow this RITUALS of THANK YOU and SORRY.
5.     You wish HAPPY BIRHTDAY/HAPPY NEW YEAR/ GOOD MORNING / GOOD NIGHT etc., etc. as a routine in your LIFE.
6.     Your NEIGHBOUR is in TROUBLE and you go out of the way to HELP him in His issues.

You can add many such incidences. Apparently all these events are considered as very GOOD BEHAVIOUR from SOCIAL / RELIGIOUS / ETHICAL and MORAL values point of view. But if you are 100% honest and look within yourself – you will see that the above behavior comes from either from GREED/FEAR/COMPASSION (DAYA in HINDI) or to fulfill your EGO in your SOCIETY.

So all your above behavior is kind of trading you are doing for some benefits in PRESENT/FUTURE or NEXT LIFE. In this way we are all EXPERT TRADERS!!

What happens when you come to the MARKET?

In all of the above incidences – you were dealing with OTHERS and you can CHEAT them easily with your so-called NICE behavior. Deep down you may not have any FEELINGS at all when you give DONATIONS or wish HAPPY BIRTHDAY? In TURN other will also wish you HAPPY BIRTHDAY and your account is SETTLED. In short you are dealing with OTHERS / SOCIETY when you perform above ACTIVITIES.

When you TRADE in Market – you are not dealing with ANYBODY/SOCIETY or ANY RELIGIOUS GROUP. You are DEALING with YOURSELF!!

Yes, MARKET TRADING is a TRADING with SELF. There is NOBODY in FRONT of you. So, no possibility of CHEATING!! Can you CHEAT yourself?

This is the REASON for FAILURES of most of the GUYS when it comes to TRADING. You simply can’t CHEAT yourself. You KNOW it. Just think on this line.

How CHEATING mentality is exploited by the System?

Let me share just two examples where our cheating mentality is exploited by the system.


Take any advertisement of SALE and you are drawn towards it. Do you think they are really giving you 50% - 70% discount? The game is simple – increase the MRP first and then give the discount. Unless they do not cheat you like this – they know you will not buy their goods!! Apple is selling IPHONE 6S this time with this strategy!!


Ask any guy and he will TELL you BANK DEPOSITES are 100% RISK Free. You have kept X amount in Y bank for Fixed Deposits. Y bank gave loans to people like Vijay Malya. So, BANK lost the money given as loan. We have tons of money as NPA in our system. Now, HONESTY requires that LAW should make them PAY immediately. Rather then doing that Government is RECAPITALISING the BANK.

Now, you are assured of your money. But who is paying that money back to you. It is TAX PAYERS money. You and your GENERATIONS will pay for your Fixed Deposit money. The Guys who took the loans are not paying!!

What NEXT?

All my effort is focused to make you aware about your MIND GAMES and SHORT CUTS we take in NORMAL COURSE of life. We think we are SMART then the guy next Door. But rest assured he is also doing the same. When all are doing the same – your results will also be the same!!

Just BECOME more AWARE about your mind’s way of working and you will be able to change your DESTINY. This ARTICLE is a PART of my EDUCATION SERIES – SELF KNOWLEDGE To SELF SUCCESS. With THIS article we are working on Second Element of Destiny that is “YOU”.


Hitesh Parikh.


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