How do we see coming period for Modi ji?

7th August 2024


How do we see coming period for Modi ji?


Dear Fellow Travellers,


Namaste! Our post on India was super hit. I can see the readers’ love for India in their effort to read. In keeping with our tradition – we are writing about our dear Modi ji this year also. In the last year 5th August 2024 – when we wrote our bold call -  If the election is conducted after 21 January 2024 – NDA will have to STRUGGLE to win the 353 seats which they won in 2019. He will have to compromise with the winning seats. 


See the ACCURACY. When the so called WORLD FAMOUS astrologers on YouTube – were predicting 400 plus in the month of April and May – we were way ahead of them in the Fine ART OF PREDCITONS. 


If you are in the business / industrialist or investor – you are dealing with tons of risks from various quarters. In such a scenario – ACCURATE GUIDANCE about your coming time helps you navigate the path towards your dreams with peace of mind. You can take our inputs. 


Now let us see how is the coming year for Modi ji?


Major Planets movement: - 


1.   Rahu is in the 6th house. Ketu will go to the 12th house. Both will be aspecting SUN in the 12th house. Both are transiting on their NATAL placements. This is the reason he could sustain the victory for the 3rd time – along with the support of other parties. Around March 2025, 6 planets are coming together in the 6th house. He will have to take care of his health for sure. He will have to face tons of struggle in the coming full year. He may get mentally tired and take premature retirement in 2026 due to this. We have indicated the same in the past post of Modi ji.   


2.   Guru is in 8th house in Vrushabh Rashi till 14th May 2025. After that it will enter in 9th house and will become ATICHARI for 8 years. (you can read GURU TANDAV posts in my blog for GURU Effects post May 2025). The GURU will become RETRO from between September 2024 to February 2025. Demands from his political partners during this time will bother him for sure.  


Guru in 9th house will be aspecting NATAL GURU in 5th house from May 2025 onwards. This will be good blessings for him. He will be able to deal with the situations with the help of DIVINE HELP. 


3.   Shani is in 5th house of intelligence in Kumbha Rashi till March 2025. At present Shani is retrograde till November 2024. This means he will have to RETHINK on his STEPS taken so far. 


Yesterday, the government had to move the amendments on CAPITAL GAINS TAX on Property due to overall criticism by the publics and opposition. This change is valid for the properties bought till 23rd July 2024 only. I think this is halfhearted change. 


We will see many such steps of going back on the earlier moves due to public protests – natural or created. The SAD point is that he is allowing his finance team to come out with such a draconian taxation rule Or he is not aware. In both the case – his credibility is getting affected. 



His Dasha: - 


Time changes for all. He is passing in MARS dasha and Guru Antar dasha till 26thDecember 2024. Last year we said that the time till 26th December will be full of struggle. The same thing is happening. He will have to keep his position safe till this date. 


From 27th December 2024 to 5th Feb 2026 – antar dasha of Shani will start.


Mars represents – 1/2/3/4/6/7 houses and Shani represents 4/5/11.


This will be the GOLDEN time for MODI JI to fulfill HIS WISHES. I am saying HIS WISHES and not ours. 


Assuming that he has dedicated his life for the betterment of India – he will be able to clear the MESS created in the system till 26th Feb.,2026. So, if at all the WAR LIKE situations happens post September 2025 – we have the LEADER ready to deal with the same with STRONG MIND and AGGRESSIVE DECISIONS. So, relax for now. 


What is my final Call?


Situations for India looks tough for the next year starting from 15th August 2024. But thanks to the LUCK we have the leader to guide us – steer us in the coming time. 


All I can say as of now is that we are in SAFE HANDS. If the situations change with respect to the leadership in coming 5 months as per the above writings / as per the OATH taking ceremony horoscope and  as per India’s horoscope – I will deal with India again. 


Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh / WhatsApp - +91-9869425399.


Learn a Lesson. Live with Passion Invest with Reason.


Hitesh Parikh.



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