Greetings from Hitesh! Many were shocked to know that all the GREAT people of the PAST have advised the same things to the people of their time!! They find it difficult to digest that in the PAST also the people were equally BAD and GOOD as we find them today.

Many regular readers have asked me that I always tell that RAKESH and WARREN BUFFETT are my role models, So, how do I copy them while investing?
Let me deal with this question.

What happens when you COPY somebody?

When I do something I pass through two stages – my inner thoughts and my outer actions. What the onlooker can do is to copy my outer actions. He misses my inner thoughts or calculations or my SOUL of that action.

It is like REMEMBERING the ANSWERS while forgetting the questions!! Now, you have your own questions but you APPLY the READYMADE answers of somebody ELSE!!

In the RELIGIOUS / SPIRITUAL Field also we have done the same mistake. We have copied the OUTER BEHAVIOUR or ACTIONS without the SOUL of the GREAT PERSONS whom we are following. The ACHIEVEMENT of the GREAT PERSON was due to HIS SOUL. We think we will copy ACTIONS and we will get the SOUL!! Unfortunately these REVERSE calculations don’t work in COPYING!!

Many guys are reciting GEETA everyday. ARJUN listened to GEETA only once and he got the RESUTLS. Unless you become ARJUN – GEETA Reciting will not take you very FAR.

Many Guys take SANYAS – following Mahavir / Buddha / SANKRACHARYA or any such GREAT PERONALITIES. They follow all the steps of SNAYAS – but they miss the inner SOUL of those personalities.

TROUBLES when you COPY somebody in INVESTMENTS:-

Suppose Rakesh is buying TITAN and I also buy TITAN. Now, what I know that he is buying TITAN. I don’t know whether he is buying for TRADING / for investments or for HEDGING Strategy or doing some WHREHOUSING!! In short, I have no way to KNOW his REAL PURPOSE of buying TITAN.

Let me share an EXAMPLE of FII V/s DII :-

Since 1994, when FIIs were first allowed investments in India – I have observed a TREND. When FIIs buy – DII sell and when FIIs sell – DIIs are the buyers.

Now, both the sides are equally SMART / RESOURCEFUL and have all the information. Still their behavior is OPPOSITE.

In such a SCENARIO – if I copy any of them – I will end up making LOSS as I am not aware about their INNER THOUGHT PROCESS!!

COPYING from NATURE Perspective:-

Look at the NATURE. It is so creative. No two persons are alike. Look at the colors/ look at the N number of his CREATIONS. You will not get to see that it is a copy of some other creation.

To create NEW and UNIQUE is NATUR’s inner thought process. We have to copy the same and not the CREATIONS.

So, when you COPY just outer actions  – you are doing some UNNATURAL thing.

What is the Purpose of ROLE MODEL?

Role Model is also a Copy but here I am trying to copy HIS INNER THOUGHT PROCESS and not the outer one.

I may apply in the filed of investments or in other filed also. But the INNER THOUGHTS are the same.

When you copy INNER THOUGHT Process – you have the SOUL of the PERSON whom you are following, so, your results will automatically match to the outer Results of the successful persons.

What NEXT?

Deep down above discussion is a PART of BEING V/s. Doing. Most guys pick up DOING without BEING and the problems starts.
Focus on your own BEING and Doing will flow automatically.


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Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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