If JEWELLERS go on INDEFINITE STRIKE – How will you buy and sell GOLD/SILVER?

Friday, March 4, 16

If JEWELLERS go on INDEFINITE STRIKE – How will you buy and sell GOLD/SILVER?

Greetings from Hitesh! Our last post has been extremely well received as it was touching to the core of the most readers’ HEART. Feedback tells me that most had the same issue while dealing with investments. They are happy with the TECHINIQUE we shared with them.

While I am writing this – Jewellers are on 3 days strike against BUDGET imposing 1% excise duty. They have threatened to go on for INDEIFINITE strike if their issues are not solved. In recent past i.e. 2012 – their strike lasted for 20 to 21 days – if my memory is correct.

Are you REALLY Worried that you will not be able to sell your GOLD/SILVER?

I am 100% sure that you are not at all worried for your GOLD and SILVER you hold. Why?  If all the stockbrokers announce tomorrow that they will not open the MARKET for INDEIFINITE period – how many of you will not PANIC? Or if the MUTUAL FUND houses announce they will not REDEEM your units – how many of you will not PANIC?

The question is – you have GOLD and you can’t SELL and you do not panic. Why you PANIC in case of SHARES Prices going down? What will be the level of your PANIC if stock market CLOSES like the JEWLLERS strike for 20 days? What will be your panic if they close for 10 years?

Let me give my explanation:-

When you buy SHARES – you buy it on the SUPER FICIAL KNOWLEDGE of it’s business / valuations / growth rates etc., etc. Deep down you have 100s of doubts about the company being a solid company.

So, when prices go down – you conclude there must be something WRONG and when prices go up you conclude there must be something VERY GOOD!!

In the case of GOLD – you are sure for its REAL VALUE and this gives you the confidence that you will be able to sell it to your neighbour, in case JEWLLERS do not open their SHOP. But for share you are not that much sure as you are not aware about the real value of it.

What is the SOLUTION?

Warren Buffett tells that he is perfectly okay if share market closes for 10 years once his investments are done. He could say this time and again because he is aware about the VALUE of his COMPANIES from within (the way you are aware about GOLD from within).

So, the problem is not with the STOCK MARKET or Stock investments per se. The problem is your inability to find out hidden values behind the shares prices!!

Most NORMAL guys are not able to see this REALITY and they conclude that SHARE MARKET is not GOOD for THEM.

What NEXT?

Just watch your different behaviors to different asset classes and you will be able to SEE REAL YOU!!

The purpose of this ARTICLE is achieved – if I can give you one more reason to look within you.

We are approaching a LONG WEEKEND, if you need guidance on Investments / Astrology – do approach us.


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Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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