The Untold Power of REVERSE SIP – which nobody talks about?

The Untold Power of REVERSE SIP – which nobody talks about?

Greetings from Hitesh! Way back on 7th Dec.,2011 and on 14th March 2013 – we had written our most appreciated post titled “Is SIP a SENSIBLE / SENSELESS Investment Plan.” The same was hit with ALPHA Seekers on the path of Investments.

You can copy paste below given link and read the same.

Incidentally, our last post was written on 14th March 2013 – exactly 3 years before. Today I am not going to deal with the ADVANTAGES Or DISADVANTAGE of the SAME. They are given in details in above post. Please read the same. Today I have some other observations to share with you all. But if you read the old post – it will help you in connecting with this post.

Why S.I.P Sells?

You know out side food is not as healthy as home cooked food but you still eat outside. Many are forced to eat outside food regularly due to various personal reasons. Am I right? There is same ANALOGY with SIP.

You are spending 12 to 14 hours of your daytime in JOB/BUSINESS and travelling / planning related to that. Whatever little time remains you give it to FACEBOOK/WHATSAPP/TV. You have simply No Time to FIND INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES/ SCRUTINISE THEM / READ ABOUT THEM /PLAN and EXECUTE your INVESTMETNS. So, the best option is to Invest in MUTUAL FUND and you are FREE.

Like outside food this logic is also digested easily by so called EDUCATED People.

Let us take one step backward and see the reasons for the same. The answer lies in our education system.

Our Education System:-

It has taught many good things to us. But it has not taught the main thing i.e. to think on our own. Those who could think on their own have already become BILL GATES /STEVE JOBS or DHIRBUBHAI AMBANI.

We have simply lost the ABILITY to think on any issue independently. When you can’t think on your own – all you have to do is to take what it comes.

E.g. In the case of MARRIAGE also – you have not taken call based on your likings. You have matched the HOROSCOPE/took the family consent and things like that.

Apparently, we are HUMAN beings but without our own BRAIN. There is not much difference between a ROBOT and US. We are controlled by the SYSTEM/SOCIETY by some way or the other. (It hurts EGO – but if you take out time and think – you will see that we are nothing but a LIVING ROBOT!!).

Have you ever seen REVERSE SIP CHART?

I am sure you would have seen the chart that if you go on depositing a very small amount of Rs.500 per month – you will have X amount after 30 years!!

Let me share you a REVERSE CHART i.e. What happens to the WEALTH of the PERSONS who takes your Rs.500 per month.

I have come across an example where a person took just Rs.10 from my FATHER and today his son is STAYING in Rs.10000 Cr. Building. Yes, I am talking about DHIRUBHAI AMBANI.

He took just Rs.10 in 1977 from many people and see the results in just 30 years!!

Have you ever thought what happens to the WEALTH of the guy who collects Rs.500 per month from you? You will understand why he is spending CRORES in ADVERTISING / COLLECTING / CONVINCING you to give Rs.500 per month to him.

This is REVERSE CHART. I have just shared you an EXAMPLE of Rs.10.


I bet you would say an EMPHATHETIC YES. You are not at FAULT. Take any religions of the WORLD and everybody praises DONATIONS. In fact, donation is shown as a way to HEAVEN. Let me tell you the FACTS.

When you give DONATION – deep down you FEEL one up then the guy whom you DONATE. Just remember your last donation experience. Deep down you wish the other people should REMAIN WEAKER than only you can DONATE to them and go to HEAVEN!!

In olden times they had real good LOGIC and Purpose when everything were MANMADE and not MACHINEMADE. HUMANS can’t produce unlimited like MACHINES. So, it made sense to distribute your WEALTH. But now, it has become a WAY to exploit POOR by keeping them poor so that you can DONATE them.

To keep NORMAL people NORMAL they are taking your power to become RICH from you. They are taking whatever small amount you have in their CONTROL!! Your Rs.500 may not be very effective for you, but they have CRORES every month and that makes sense to them!!

What’s more – to accept your POVERTY GALDLY – you are being taught the CONCEPT of SANTOSH       (SATISFACTION). They are preaching you to become SANTOSHI (SATISFIED). They keep HOUSE / FLATS and GIRLS in every town of the WROLD – and they teach you to be SATISFIED with your 500 Sq ft FLAT with only ONE WIFE!! Understand the TRICK.


The world we live in today is controlled by just 5% of the people. They are controlling everything you can think of. Our RELIGIOUS PRACTICES / EDUATIONS and EDUCATION SYSTEM / ETHICS / MORALS / LAWS / MEDIA – you name it and they are controlling the same.

If they want their generations to CONTROL your GENERATIONS – they will have to keep on telling you the LIE. SIP is one such BEAUTIFUL LIE being told to you.

By Investing in SIP – you or your generations will never by able to afford Rs.10000 Crs house.

What is the point I am making?

Investment is a very serious business. You will have to take pain to learn the same. You will have to give a time. You need to learn to THINK on your own.

All my effort is focused to make you think only. If you start thinking – I am sure you will come to know TRUTH someday on your OWN.

If you are not ready for the same – there are ample people like MALLIYA to enjoy your hard money and most beautiful GIRLS.

Make Your CHOICE.


I have 1000% better solutions to your SIP. If you want to know – please contact me.

Wish you all a very HAPPY INVESTING.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh or on WhatsApp - +91-9869425399 or

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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