You will forget 2008 Wall Street Scam, if you READ this.

Saturday, March 19, 16

You will forget 2008 Wall Street Scam, if you READ this.

Greeting from Hitesh! 2008 was bad for all the people of the EARTH in one way or the other but it was the GREAT year for MEDIA GUYS. They got so much NEWS that they had no times to talk about other things. Many movies and documentaries were produced explaining the SCAM and aftermath of the same. Today I am going to talk about much bigger aspect of the SCAM, which has been there in the PAST but many would not have NOTICED.


I was going through the PREACHING of all the GURUS and GODS of the PAST. Some of the PREACHINGS are as UNDER:-

1.   Do not STEAL.
2.   Do not LIE.
3.   Do not COVET your Neighbor’s WIFE/ WEALTH.
4.   Do not KILL.
5.   Do not Commit Adultery.
6.   Respect your PARENTS / ELDERS and GURUs.

I have observed the above preaching are given in all the times in the past 100 yeas ago to 1 lakh years ago / in all the religions and all the languages.

Now, if the GOD/GURU has to preach above things all the times – what it says about the people in their TIMES or all the times?

Who do we preach above things? If the people were REALLY good as we believe – do you think these GREAT people would have PREACHED above things to them? They have preached means the people around them were not up to the MARK. Am I right?

What is the MISTAKE we have incurred?

Looking at the GREAT man we think that the people of their time would also be so KIND and GREAT like HIM. But if you study their MESSAGES – you will see that people around them MUST not be GOOD. In fact, they were WORSHIPPED in their times and now also because they were AGAINST the MASSES of their TIME.

Somebody had said – “You have to be ODD to be NUMBER ONE.” Same logic applies to them. They were ODD man of their times.

What does the above 6 QUALITIES say about HUMANITIES of all the times?

Above 6 Qualities are nothing but ANIMAL INSTICTS. If you follow DARWIN’s way of EVOLUTION – these are the residual of ANIMALS left in us even NOW.

How does this AFFECT your INVESTMENT Performance?

Financial Theorists use three animals in any market – BULLS / BEARS and PIGS. Bulls make money when market goes up / Bears make money when market goes down / PIGS get slaughtered in both the times.

Like GREAT MAN of the past – the person who makes money all the time or for a longer period of time has to be above ANIMAL instincts.

I just want you to be AWARE about these instincts, in case you have. If you become AWARE – you will come out of it FASTER. When you come out FASTER – you will GROW Faster.

What NEXT?

Next time if you hear any ELDERLY guys talking – in our times things were so good / this and that, just enjoy his talks.


Wish you all a HAPPY WEEKEND.

Hitesh Parikh.


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