How Noble Purpose of Yog and Investments have been missed out?
21st June 2021
How Noble Purpose of Yog and Investments have been missed out?
Greetings from Hitesh! Today is International Yog day. Thanks to COVID – demand for Yog and Yog Teachers has become the need of the hour. The day is being celebrated in many parts of the World. So, it’s Truly International in that sense. Today we will deal with an important aspect of investments based on that.
How Enlightened Souls used the most appropriate system based on their time?
If you look at the long history of Enlightened Souls staring from Krishna to the Present day, you will feel immensely happy with their use of technology based on their time. Just open GITA and Krishna talked about all possible techniques in 18 chapters. The credit for making Krishna talk about all of them goes to ARJUN. It was the questions of ARJUN made Krishna talk about all the techniques one after another.
However, Krishna’s 1st technique was GYAN YOG – or SANKHYA YOG. He said that once you know yourself in proper perspective, nothing is to be done. That is more than enough. This is the ultimate technique and ARJUN could not grasp it. So, he went on asking about KARMA/BHAKTI/YOGA and combinations of them. ARJUN had a doing mind and he wanted to DO something rather than to BE something.
Buddha talked about the same technique about 2500 years back. But he took the support of Meditation. In a way, DHYAN became a DOING.
Krishna gave a passing reference to SWADHYAY – SELF STUDY – in the 4th chapter. But JESUS made the CONFESSION – SELF STUDY as the main method to understand yourself about 2000 years back. Today PSYCHO ANALYSIS is a major tool in WEST.
The same way PATANJALI came with YOG SUTRAS. He talked about YOGA, 6th chapter of Gita, as his first technique for SELF REALISATION. He talked about 8 steps to be followed on the way to a self-realization about 1700 years ago.
In the recent past of 700-1000 years, we have got N number of realized souls talking about BHAKTI as a way to self- realization. Look at GURU NANAK / Kabir / RAIDAS / MEERA / MAHAPRABHU – they all talked about BHAKTI as a way.
Why this historical perspective on YOG DAY?
One thing is visible at this point and that is very shocking. The techniques of SELF-REALISATIONS are used for some petty purposes. I feel sorry for the guys when they use MEDITATION to deal with STRESS. Yog to deal with their health issues. Bhakti to make a show-off as a good person in their respective society.
When a person like me points out this anomaly – the respective GURU always says – let them start with this at least. Someday they will go to the main purpose.
Above ARGUMENT looks so appealing that most will buy this and they will miss the real essence. My simple reply is that Water has to boil to 100 C to become STEAM. You may boil to 10 C to 99 C, it will not become STEAM. So, by doing less than 100%, you are wasting the main purpose.
How does this affect investment performance?
Go back to the history of investments. It was simple. You become a partner in the business by investing in that business. The partnership was for the long term. The investor wanted to be a part of the business as it grows. The investor was ready to go through the ups and downs of business.
Today we have forgotten BUSINESSES and we are only concerned with PRICE. If the price moves up, it is good business and if prices go down – something is wrong.
If I buy and hold any company shares
for a long time and if that company is doing well – by default I will get Dividends
/ Rights and Bonuses and capital appreciation over a period of time.
But today, people want to buy the stocks – if the good dividend is coming / bonus is coming or rights are coming or fast price appreciation is likely.
How Small investors are killed and people leave Yog practice halfway?
Since the purpose is petty – fast profit or price appreciation due to dividends/bonus or rights or some news – they get lured to buy those stocks and the smartest guys sold to them and make tons of money when the news is out. In my last 30 years of journey, I have observed that this kind of time pass investors get out after booking a huge loss or they remain in the market as a marginal player with petty investments in shares. They are the main profit source for the smartest of the smart.
Today 45% of the players are retail players in the market. I am really worried for them when the TEJI ends.
The same way – many guys have become YOG teachers and more and more people are doing YOG out of FEAR or out of Medical needs. They have no LOVE for YOG or long-term vision for the upliftment of their soul. When the FEAR of COVID goes or situations becomes normal – they all will leave YOG and change to their original behaviour.
What are the main thoughts on YOG and Investments?
The NOBLE purpose of YOG is SELF-REALISATION. If your goal is less than this – you will not be having the long-term benefit of Yog.
In the same way – the purpose of Investment should be Financial Nirvana or Financial Freedom. Your petty profits in a month or two or in the first year will not give you Financial Freedom.
When you keep the above objective – the quality of your YOG and INVESTMENT will change immediately.
Don’t believe me. Just try and see for yourself.
If you need help in Investing, you can approach us.
Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.
Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.
Hitesh Parikh.
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