1000% wrong interpretation of Theory of Karma has cost the people all the Joy/ Success of life.

 19th June 2021

1000% wrong interpretation of Theory of Karma has cost the people all the Joy/ Success of life.

Dear Fellow Travelers,

Namaste! We are bursting the wrong belief of the masses with our various posts on Investments. Many readers were really surprised by the facts of Reliance's debts. For centuries normal people have been told that he is suffering because of his wrong Karmas in the past lives. Those who are doing good like AMBANI – have earned a lot of Punya in the past life and so they are enjoying. This is a 1000% wrong interpretation of the Theory of Karma.

First, I will share the most accepted belief, even a 10-year-old will also say this if he has been taught in his family.

What is the most accepted belief on KARMA?

In our lifetime, we do some good activities and some bad activities. So, in one lifetime we accumulate the result of some good karma as well as some bad karma. We will experience the result of both good and bad karma in the next birth.

According to these Karmafal we are going to experience events in our next life i.e. when the Atma or the soul again takes the form of the human body. At that time we will see the effect of our karmafal of previous birth.

In this way, every soul accumulates huge karma in every birth and all of these karmas are added which is known as sanchita karma. So Sanchita Karma is like the Total Karma accumulated till date.

From this sanchita karma, the Karmas which can give results immediately(fruits which are riped) are handed over or given to experience in the present life and this is known as Prarabdha. Rest is kept for the next Births. We can’t change it.

Pararabdha Karma is unavoidable. We will reap the effect of our Past Life Karma in this Present Life.

What is the misinterpretation in the above understanding?

Results of all Karma are instant but when you do any Karma N number of times in a particular way mechanically, you develop the TENDENCY to do the same Karma in that way NEXT DAY / NEXT LIFE.  

Try this – you pour a glass of water in one room. The water will move in a particular way towards the slop of the room. The instant result of this karma is room became wet. If somebody passes on this water – he or she may slip and break his bones.

Now, you close the room and open it the next day. Water would have evaporated by now. But if you see the way on which water has passed has some kind of dust on both the sides. Now, pour another glass of water, and water will take the way of least resistance and pass on the same way. So, water has developed a tendency to pass on a particular way.

Now, open the door the next day and go to some other corner of the room and pour the water. The next day you will see some other way in which water has moved.

Let us assume you are pouring water in 4 corners one after the other on 4 consecutive days – you will have 4 possible ways in which water can move on the 5th day. If the water becomes continuous on one way for a long time – we will see the stone or surface starts eroding slowly and gradually. The stone will change its shape over a period of time.  

Over the past so many birth’s we have created so many fixed tendencies to react or act.  This tendency is known as Samskara in Indian parlance.

These Samskara gets triggered when the same kind of situations come in front of you. They are calling this as PRARABDH Karma. This is 100% wrong.

Why the Science of Destiny Management Works?

Say I am using astrology to read somebody. All I am doing is finding out his or her tendencies to act or react with his current set of planetary combinations. Now, I give them the new set of actions. When they start following those new actions – old tendencies will become weak and new tendencies will come to play. And when new tendencies come to play – they start feeling better.

Why FIXED destiny concept is 1000% wrong?

Say I am doing cheating with somebody now. So, if I go by the theory of KARMA, till I repay him in next births – I will not get MOKSHA / ENLIGHTENMENT. This is 1000% wrong.

When I did the cheating – I came to know that I can make tons of money easily by cheating somebody. So, my instant result was tons of money at the speed of the thought. Now, if I go on doing this with other fellows – I will develop a tendency to cheat and earn money. This tendency will make my Sanskara so strong that in next birth I will choose the family of some Gunda or cheater or I become compulsive cheater and when caught may be killed or put into jail. 

But when I become AWARE of this tendency – I make new choices for myself. So, to make a NEW CHOICE is always an option at any given point in time or any given situation.

When I make a new choice - I will create new possibilities for myself. So, awareness is the key. 

How Awareness can be ignited?

In Gita – there are 18 chapters and all the chapters stand for one technique to create awareness in you. You may choose Bhakti / you may choose Gyan or you may choose Karma or any combinations of the above three.

The idea is to create awareness in you. When you have awareness – you have the capacity to make NEW CHOICES. When you make NEW CHOICES with 100% awareness – we call it DESTINY MANAGEMENT.

What is the Biggest Scam to Loot or Misguide the masses from the ages?

If you check the history there had been a long practice that all kingdoms or countries are supporting particular religions. Now, when King or Ruler supports the religions with grants and other benefits – it becomes the part of the respective religion head to support or become blind eyed to the kings or rulers' misdoings.

The Chanakya of West - Nicolo Machiavelli, an Italian Diplomat in the early 16th Century, in his famous book “The Prince”, has given the guiding principle for the top guys.

“Preach and talk about Morality/ Honesty/ Integrity/ Hard work and Principle-Centered life to the normal people in your state. Make them follow all of the above. You also appear doing the same, but in reality……do the opposite!!”

Look at all the politicians and you will find that they are true followers of Machiavelli.

How various countries are acting in CORONA Times?

USA is reach country. So, it printed money and gave it to people. It also gave a lot of food and other facilities FREE of COST.

Those countries who could not give money – gave the reason that you are dying because of your past KARMA.

This is JOKE on humankind.

Why this boring blog on Weekend?

I want my readers to be AWARE for everything they are doing in their life. To the extent they are aware – they will make better choices in their life. When they make better choices – they will get instantly better results.

They will not be exploited by so-called theories and beliefs.  

If you have read this post – congratulate yourself. It may challenge you to fight with your belief system or you may laugh at this TRUTH. In both cases – you will have a choice to make a new decision.

Remember – your decision will decide your destiny, instantly. 

Have a great weekend.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.


Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.



Hitesh Parikh.


  1. TNX sir understood tht yr main basic guidance to yr readers & clients is constant inner awareness & yes if reached tht complete stage automatically our aatma will guide in the right direction TNX Is it similar to practice in the vipasana ways

  2. Awareness and Awakening is the key to success and be successful in Life


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