“Can you share your personal Goals in your blogs?” Request from a reader.

 24th June 2021

“Can you share your personal Goals in your blogs?” Request from a reader.

Dear Fellow Travelers,

Namaste! Reading our blogs – many reader friends personally ask me that what is my goals. What keeps me on and on every day? I used to say – I will share someday. Today I am sharing the same. Let me make it clear – this can’t be considered a GOAL in a strict definition of the goals. You may call it a guiding principle to live life. To a very ambitious person – this may look very ordinary. Many would find it funny or not challenging at all.

What is my Goal or Life Guiding Principle?

It’s very simple – “I want to dance in my grand kid’s wedding.”

When I started trading and investing – I had seen a lot of people are losing tons of money in front of my eyes. They used to suffer heart attack / many had sold their homes for the losses and many have committed suicides. So, when I wanted to put my first trade – I had to do a lot of soul searching to come up with an answer.

I was looking for a holistic goal. It means I must have money, good health, loving relationships, and celebrating attitude towards life. I wanted to celebrate my life in whichever condition I may be.

Then I started studying the lives of the most successful people. I started the career when the original Bull was ruling the market – yes – Mr. Harshad Mehta. So naturally, he was my first case study. I studied the business empire of Ambani / Tata / Birla. Their companies were ruling the BSE at that time. I studied the Buffett. He was 72 at that time.

There were many inspiring stories of Deccan Airlines / Damania Airlines / King Fisher Airlines after the liberalization. There were many individual inspiring stories that didn’t last the test of time.

Intuitively, I found that the Tata had a long run and they enjoyed their wealth/health and they did good business also. At 83, Ratan Tata is still active. Today, Buffett at 90 also working. Another inspiration came thanks to my reading habit – Khuswant Sing. He enjoyed his life to the last moment and lived for 99 years.

So, I decided – I will follow the TATA model or Buffett Model without a doubt. Only they two have all the ingredients in their life – which I was looking for – money/health / long life and celebration.

What Kills people?

I was studying the reasons for early death. I found 3 chief reasons.

1.  Madness to earn money and only money. You can find out some names from the above and see how their life ended.

2.  Having a lot of DEBT. DEBT kills and kills fast. Those who have DEBT – they always remain under pressure.

3.  Manipulation and shortcuts. Those who are manipulative and short cut lovers end up shortening their life without their knowledge.

What is the best way to avoid the above TRAPs?

When I started my career, I had been told Honesty is the best policy by my grandfather. As a young guy – I found his advice too bookish.

But having read and trained by a lot of masters and having a long roller coaster ride of life – I have come to the conclusion – HONESTY is the only policy. There is no other policy.

If you are honest – you will be able to avoid the above traps or if you are in the traps due to situations beyond your control – you will come out of them fast.

Dishonesty is not lying to somebody. It's lying to yourself. There is the World-famous story “The Necklace" published in 1884 by French writer Guy De Maupassant. A lady borrows a Diamond Necklace to look good in marriage. She lost it. So, they spend 20 years to earn back the money to buy the same Necklace. So, a desire to look good for 2 hours – costs 20 years in paying back. So, Honesty has a deep meaning.

What about DANCING in the marriage?

I don’t want to exist. I want to LIVE my life. In many marriages – they bring their grandparents and they are sitting in one corner. I don’t want to attend a marriage like that. I want to be active and full of passion till my last breath.

This will allow me to keep a healthy relationship with my 3rd generation. 

So, I can enjoy my wealth for a long time / in good health and with good relationships.

What about Money Goals?

This is the biggest foolish thing people are doing. They keep money target for this year and the next year and so on. Money follows the purpose. If you don’t have a purpose, money will not come to you for sure. If at all it comes to you – I am sure, you will not be able to use the same.

Recently, I watched a movie. Emran Hashmi was asked to kill a Don and the price was Rs.10 Crs. He became silent for some time. So, his colleague asked – ARE YOU AFRAID? He replied – “No, I was thinking what will I do with the Rs.10 Crs I am going to get.”

So, if you have a genuine PURPOSE within you for earning money – money will come to you or you will find the money.

My purposes are clear – long and healthy life and good relationships. Money will surely come accordingly. 

What NEXT?

I have poured my heart with you all in this post. I have created my life on the three pillars – health / long life and relationships. These pillars are built on the land of Honesty. Now, I am seeing miracles of existence in supporting me towards my guiding principle.

Hope I have answered the question.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.


Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.


Hitesh Parikh.


  1. I really appreciate your thought process. Your logical reasoning is always superb.
    👍👌 Suresh Saboo

  2. This article is the best, Thank you for sharing your view. Aspi

  3. TNX for blog goals may change from time to time In childhood getting distinctions in studies curricular activities etc After tht success in Business with money & at later age to be going for spiritual upliftment
    Yes but in all these stages honesty hard works destiny family support etc combined makes one's goals fulfillment Yr comments welcomed for my views pl Mahendra K Shah Ahmedabad


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