Western and Eastern Concept of setting the goals. Your happiness will depend on what you select.

 25th June 2021

Western and Eastern Concept of setting the goals. Your happiness will depend on what you select.

Dear Fellow Travellers,

Namaste! Thanks for making my last post on My Goals a super hit. It resonated emotionally in many readers' minds and hearts. I am really happy with the responses I got. Many have requested to share is the right way to set the goals? I am sharing two ways. I am sure you will find it right away after reading this post.

Western Concept: -

It is simple.

1.  List down the Dreams, desires, and aspirations.

2.  Sleep on them for a week. Take the list again.

3.  Decide which one you really want to go for finally.

4.  Put the date and time against each of your dreams.

5.  Find out the purposes to achieve them. Find out the ways to achieve them. Find out the obstruction you may come across and be ready with the solutions.

6.  Commit yourself that if you don’t achieve it – you will kill yourself. Since you will not like to kill yourself, you will achieve the goals.

This is apparently a very logical way but the most stupid way.

How you prepare for your Vacation?

Say you are planning for a vacation. So, you will decide where you want to go? How you want to go there? How many days you will stay there? Which route you will take? What are the places you will visit there? Where you will stay and things like that.

So, you planned this way and now you have started a journey towards your goal. Many times, when you reach there – your local guide will tell you that there are some more places which may interest you and you must visit them also. Many times, from his list, he may tell you that these places are not worth wasting your time on. So, you skip them.

Depending on the feedback of the local people, you change your original plans or goals. So, in the end, you may visit some additional places and may skip some of your listed places. I think this is the common experience of all the people.

In day to day life also you would have seen that you leave your home to go to a temple and your friend may call you to come to his place for a tea. You skip the temple and meet a friend.

Your literary may change here and thereafter reaching that place but 99.99% of the times you adhere to your going date and coming dates to the place you have planned a vacation.

Many times, when you like some places very much – you may decide that you will come back again. Many times, you miss some places and you may decide you will come again.

So, you achieve the vacation goal with some positive surprises or some leftover wishes.

How the journey of life is determined?

The same way - before a person takes birth – he/she chooses his family, friends, and all the major events he is planning to go through in this life. He also knows the entry and exit dates. Many times, it's quite possible that you miss the major events and go through some other events. You may decide to come again or not to come again depending on your experiences.

Now, to set a GOAL after coming to the destination called your present life – is FUNNY. Those who are teaching goal setting in the western ways are the funniest. By taking birth in your present life – you have already achieved your goal!!

So, you can’t set the GOAL when you have come into the BODY. But you can improve your EXPERIENCE of this life journey by 1000% or more. Let me share the secret.

How to improve your experience by 1000-fold or more?

In GITA chapter 18, slok 13/14 the master formula is given by Lord Krishna.

He said you work on 5 factors – your Vaastu / Yourself / Your resources / Your abilities to use your resources and your Bhagya.

The above are the major 5 ways – you can change your experience of this life. Those who want to understand this concept in detail – can read my post given below.

Please take out time and read this post.
If you have no time to  read 1000 books on Success...

(link: http://bestofhiteshparikh.blogspot.com/2018/09/if-you-have-no-time-to-read-1000-books.html?spref=tw)

Since your JOURNEY is Fixed – Krishna has said another truth: -

Your right is in doing your KARMA only. Results will follow on their own time. A typical Gujrati Traveller when he goes to Rajasthan from Gujarat – he may drink there or he may visit some famous temples over there. He is independent to do whatever he wishes as long as he remains in Rajasthan. He will get the results of the actions; he chooses to do while he stays at Rajasthan immediately. 

Lord Krishna has also said – GAHANNA KARMANO GATI. The results of Karma are not linear. They are non-linear. Nassim Taleb calls these phenomena as a RANDOMNESS. I see normal and new investors get baffled when Reliance prices have not moved up since last October and ADANI is hitting the upper circuits. This is NON- LINEAR.

Where is your FREEDOM?

Like your PRE-PAID vacation all things are fixed. But you have following FREEDOM at any given point of time.

1.  You have the choice to enjoy the same.

2.  You have the choice to increase the quality of your enjoyment.

3.  You have the choice to curse yourself for choosing this place.

4.  You can abuse your travel agent for suggesting this place.

5.  You can abuse or love the people with you for their behaviour during the vacation.

6.  You can shorten your vacation and go back to your home(suicide).

If you don’t consciously work on the above 5 factors as said by Krishna – quality of your experience will not be up to the mark and you will decide to go again to that places with different travel agents or different groups of people. So, you will not come out of the life cycle.

What is the RIGHT way or MY way?

Since you have the freedom to enjoy or not to enjoy your present circumstances – setting goals will not help you. The thing which can help you is your SELF KNOWLEDGE. Without Self Knowledge – you are hitting in the dark. You may hit the bull’s eye by accident but 99% of the time you will miss it.

People affected by Western Mentality tries to find motivation by setting some goals and making it aloud in the group of like-minded fellows but then they suffer a lot of mental stress.

The only way to make your journey of life wonderful is to know yourself. Know yourself in as many details as you can. The more you know yourself, the more you will be AWARE of yourself and your Awareness will lead you to enjoy all the situations of life with 100% GRATITUDE towards Existence.

When you are filled with GRATITUDE, you transcend the limitations of your time, location, and people with you. You enjoy the FREEDOM in True Sense.

I don’t want you to believe my single word. I want you to know yourself. You can know yourself only and only if try the above suggestions with a 100% open mind.  

The easiest way to Know yourself is through Astrology. It is the best tool to know yourself immediately and accurately. If you like our skill sets – you can approach us.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.


Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.


Hitesh Parikh.


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