Whom do you listen more – Your Body or Your Mind? Top secret of success in life and investments.

 15th August 2021

Whom do you listen more – Your Body or Your Mind? Top secret of success in life and investments.

Dear Fellow Travelers,

Namaste! Our last posts on Honesty and 7 Habits of Highly Miserable people were super hit with our readers. These posts are to be read and re-read more than one time. Today I am taking up the most secret technology for success in any area. But this is the most useful in investments.

Whom do you listen more – your body or your mind?

Is this a funny question? You may say you use them both. In reality, many times we use the mind to the extent of 80-100% and 20- 0 % in the body.

Let me give you some examples.

1.   You are watching a web series. It’s 12 am at the night and your body is asking you to sleep. But rather than sleeping – you are pulling on for 1 more episode and 1 more after that and remain awake till 3am or 4am.

2.   You have eaten your lunch or dinner – your stomach is full. You see some of your favourite dishes are there – say some sweets or some such items. You go on eating it. In fact, our advertisements are also motivating us to eat more and take ENO.  

3.   Many people have a lifestyle in which they get out of their home and sit in the car. They get out of their office and they sit in the car. They have no time to WALK or WORK OUT or to do any physical work. They keep on eating all kinds of foods.

These are the three most observable examples in day-to-day life. If you are doing any of the above or all of the above – you will have problems in life and investments. However, intelligent you may be, if your body is not supportive, your mind will not support you for the long term. Now, let us see how your focus on mind will affect your investments.

How your investments are affected?

The body is the fundamentals of the company. Mind is Price Performance of that company. Normal people judge the person by the money he has and company by the fast return it generates.

A good company may or may not move fast in a given year or a decade. Now, people who are hooked to price performance will get frustrated with the negative performance of that company and will sell them to buy fast-moving shares. Many times, it so happens that as soon as they sell, the company starts moving.

A company may come out with BAD RESULTS and prices move up. People feel good about such companies. They don’t see that only prices are moving and fundamentals are not supportive.

A company may come out with super results and prices may not move immediately. Now, the investor will curse his luck for selecting such a company.

The normal people’s argument is – don’t worry about fundamentals as long as you make money. The most educated people also think this way.

What happens with this kind of thinking?

This is SELFISHNESS. This is Dis-Honesty.

You may make money in one transaction or some transactions but I have not seen this kind of people taking this money to their home. They make money in one company and loss in some other company. Very rarely – they take this money at their home.

Look at the life of market manipulators like HARSHAD MEHTA and KETAN PARIKH. Look at the life of BUFFETT. At 90 also he is healthy and enjoying his life and money.

I am not giving examples of you and me. But those who are doing this on a very large scale – have also failed ultimately.

Believe me – you can’t cheat the market and nature for a long time.

All-natural calamities since 2020 - are the answer of the NATURE to the MANKIND for their selfishness. In a recent survey, they have said many parts of the World will sink in the SEA.

What NEXT?

For HEALTH LIFE – listen to your BODY and for SUCCESSFUL INVESTING – see the fundamentals of the company. If you do these two things – you will have physical and financial independence for sure.

Your progress may be slow but you will enjoy those money with good health for sure.

Have a HAPPY 75th Independence Day.


Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.


Live With Passion…Invest With Passion. 


Hitesh Parikh.



  1. Today young generation are hooked on to Netflix till 1 am, watching movies in dark. Don't care about timely eating, are work alcoholic from home, eat junk food.

  2. TNX very good examples & useful too & helps E1 fw few exerts from yr this blog to few of my contacts & link too if they read I like it & helps too TNX


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