10 Unanswered Questions of Buddha and the hidden SECRET behind – Read this. Your life will change

 30th August 2021

10 Unanswered Questions of Buddha and the hidden SECRET behind – Read this. Your life will change

Dear Fellow Travelers,

Namaste! Our last post on Digital Currency was well received and appreciated by our readers. Thanks a ton for their time and kind words of appreciation. I feel blessed for having readers like you. Today I am sharing the compassion of Buddha on humankind. It is said that he had not answered the following 10 questions to anybody.

The Questions and the Story: -

1) Is the universe eternal?

(2) Is the universe not eternal?

(3) Is the universe finite?

(4) Is the universe infinite?

(5) Are the soul and the body the same?

(6) Are the soul and the body not the same?

(7) Will the enlightened one be reborn after death?

(8) Will the enlightened one not be reborn after death?

(9) Will the enlightened one both be reborn and not be reborn after death?

(10) Will the enlightened one neither be reborn nor not be reborn after death?

Malunkyaputta, a disciple of Buddha, was in seclusion practicing his meditation, these ten questions arose in his mind. He thus went to the Buddha with these questions, going so far as to insist that he would disrobe and renounce his training with the Buddha should the answers not be provided. The Buddha declined and instead calmly asked Venerable Malunkyaputta if a promise was made to answer these ten questions, or if a request was ever put forth for these questions to be answered in return for his practice with the Buddha. After Venerable Malunkyaputta replied in the negative, the Buddha said,

“Remember what I have declared as declared. Remember what I have not declared as what I have not declared. What I have not declared are these ten questions. The answers to these ten questions I have not declared. What I have declared: ‘This is suffering’, I have declared; ‘This is the cause of suffering’, I have declared; ‘This is the cessation of suffering’, I have declared; and ‘This is the path leading to the cessation of suffering’, I have declared. I have declared the Four Noble Truths. Why did I make these Four Noble Truths known and declared? This is because they are beneficial, leading to the cessation of suffering and enlightenment, and they lead to perfect peace, happiness, and Nibbāna. Why did I not declare these ten questions? It is because they do not lead to enlightenment, peace, and awakening.”

What was the COMPASSION of BUDDHA?

As an astrologer I keep on receiving questions related to money, retirement, health, promotion in Job, Relationship questions, relocation questions, education questions, spiritual and religious side questions.

All these questions are nothing but a declaration of DUKH in that person’s life with respect to a particular area. He believes that if he gets a good job / desired promotion – life will be jinga lala. He will be happy. The surety of something good happening will give peace of mind to the person and that person will feel happy with respect to that issue.

Buddha knew that life is not that simple. He had all the best things but when he saw old age/death – he immediately went in a search of permanent happiness.

What was his technique?

He started with the DUKH and ended with happiness for himself and his followers. How many times do you remember GOD – when you are happy? Do you worry about HEAVEN or APSARA when you are happy? Do you worry about your next birth or the enlightenment? Not at all. All you want is that the moment of happiness remains with your permanently.

I am dealing with HNIS and Ultra HNIS. They are worried more about their Wealth remaining with them and their generations rather than life after death and related questions. They want to multiply their wealth or make their name known in the world. Mukesh Bhai is working really hard to reach the top of the FORBES 100 list. He doesn’t have the time for HEAVEN and other questions.

They laugh at ASTROLOGY and other practices until they are really in a soup and they don’t find an answer with their system or their people.

So, Buddha focused on making people happy instead of giving them theoretical knowledge about the above 10 questions.


A normal client approaches us out of curiosity or when he is really in a problem. Many times, they have been feared by some other astrologers’ predictions and they want a second opinion. Very few have approached us with seeker’s attitude.

Thanks to LORD KRISHNA – we help them balance the 5 factors. When they balance the 5 factors – they feel happy instantly.

The five factors given by LORD KRISHNA are – VASTU / KARTA i.e the person asking questions / His resources / His abilities to use his resources and his BHAGYA. When we combined 5 factors – the end results are always happy.

Today is KRISHNA’s Birthday. I bow down to him and Buddha for sharing their technologies with humankind and help us to elevate to permanent happiness.

Wish you a life full of happiness.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.


Live With Passion…Invest With Passion. 


Hitesh Parikh.




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