“The share market will touch new highs and fall suddenly”

 21st August 2021

“The share market will touch new highs and fall suddenly”

Dear Fellow Travelers,

Namaste! Read the above line and compare the same with the market situations now. The full prediction was - the share market will touch new highs and fall suddenly due to sudden changes in the situations or news.

We are about to end August. I was looking at all my calls for the market in 2021. The first categorical call for the market in 2021 was made in September 2020. Way ahead of any experts. See the accuracy in all the calls given from time to time. Accuracy is our specialty.

The purpose of our blogs is to prepare our readers for the coming opportunity in advance.

30th September 2020

Guru will enter Makar Rashi in November. What will happen when a Hero Becomes a Villain?

What investors should do?

I see all assets classes in TEJI between May 2021 to October 2021. If you are SMART buy your chosen stocks at every big fall in small lots and sleep. You will make the best money in your life next year.

Looking back: - Had you followed the above bold marked advice – what would have happened to your portfolio?

8th December 2020

How do we see a Market in 2021 based on Numerology?

What is my call for 2021?

There will be fast events at all levels in the world. This means the market will have two sides movements as per the whims of the top people. I am expecting a new high in the market followed by a new low. Being a year of mercury, smart TRADERS will make tons of money easily.

Looking back: - Market has made a new high so far.

17th December 2020

How do we see the year 2021, based on Makar Sankranti Horoscope?

Rahu is in 5th house of Stock Market. Lord of 5th house is in 12th house. It means the stock market will see two sides of volatility and there will be a tsunami of funds in the share market. (we already indicated this while writing about Rahu entering in Vrishabh Rashi. Since Rahu has changed, we are seeing FII funds in the share market like never before. we are 100% on dot). Since Rahu is there – those who are smart in trading will make fast money in tons. So, focus on trading in 2021 and make tons of money.

Looking back: - Traders made good money without a doubt.

31st December 2020

How will be the Market in 2021? Based on Logical Analysis.

What’s my answer for 2021?

Applying logic or any particular system for market analysis is not very important. Going correct or going wrong is also not very important. The most important thing when you come to the market is your PURPOSE and your Commitment to fulfill your purpose. In my 30 years journey as an investment consultant – I have observed that the major reason for failure in the market is not Wrong Analysis. The major reason is the lack of solid purpose.

Looking back: - Honesty towards your inner purpose would have made or lost money for you.

3rd February 2021

Period of Man-Made and Natural TANDAV starts Now. How prepared are you?

What about the Market?

Rohini is fertility. While World Markets are moving one side thanks to the Liquidity Flow. With the Mars and Rahu in Rohini Nakshatra – all liquidity will get evaporated or diverted into some other asset classes. So, the BALOON of the market may burst during this time or it may go so big that many people will find it difficult to imagine. Indigo Paint getting listed at 200 p/e is proof of BALOON getting stretched with the air of liquidity.

Leading economist John Maynard Keynes had once said – “Market can remain Irrational longer than you remain Solvent”.

This is a must keep in mind sentence while you are dealing with your investments in the coming 8 months.

Looking Back: - They inflated the BALOON to be true.

15th March 2021

Jupiter Transit into Kumbha Rashi and its effects on the Market, the World and India.

6.   Businesses of Luxury companies / Real estate companies / Technology companies / Trading companies / Liaison-related companies will rise multi-fold.

7.   Share markets the world over will see 2-way VOLATILE movements without fail. This is going to be a SMART TRADERS PARADISE

Looking back: - All luxury cars and luxury homes were sold like hotcakes.

6th May 2021

Some Good News From 2nd wave of COVID. Some indication for 3rd wave.

2nd wave: -

But that period is about to get over on 6th June, so relax as far as COVID is concerned.

Indication for the 3rd Wave: -

According to my calculations, 3rd wave will start from October end 2021 and end in April 2022.

Looking Back: - Mumbai opened from 7th June. So, get prepared for the 3rd round.

2nd July 2021

How do we see coming time based on the Sun Cancer Ingress chart?

Jupiter: - it’s a lord of 2nd and 5th - sitting retrograde in 4th house. 4th lord is sitting in 3rd house and it's also retrograde. This indicates that Indians as a country will face a liquidity crunch. Their plight and tough situations will continue to bother them. Our yearly chart also showed the trouble of normal people due to various reasons.

Retrograde 5th Lord sitting in 4th means – the share market will touch new highs and fall suddenly due to sudden changes in the situations or news.

Looking back: - See the accuracy in the above sentence and current situations.

Accuracy and only Accuracy: -

Had you read the above post and prepared for 2021, you would have blessed us. The problem is the most guys have no time to read the posts and those who read do not make a note of it and follow it.

However, those who followed it are blessing us every day and sending us their good vibes.

What NEXT?

Another way to make tons of money is to be with us for 3 years and master the market ups and down with us. When you are with us, we give you holistic guidance for your coming time and coming opportunities in the market. When both the things are combined along with the patience – then the results are always excellent.

If you want accurate personal guidance based on the science of astrology - you may approach us. 

Make your choice.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion. 

Hitesh Parikh.


  1. Live with Passion
    Invest with Passion
    Follow Hitesh Bhai Parikh with Passion and Sincerity

  2. TNX yr blog writing is good but so smart tht @ the end suggesting to subscribe to yr investment strategy 😂


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