Buffett Always Says- “Never Bet Against America”. He is 100% correct

 25th August 2021

Buffett Always Says- “Never Bet Against America”. He is 100% correct

Dear Fellow Travelers,

Namaste! Yesterday, we had seen the simplest success formula followed by normal US citizens. It is necessary to keep in mind while you invest that you have to pay the price in terms of Volatility and Risk apart from the share price. Those who fail to keep this in mind – get mad when the market shows tantrums. They run away from the market. They blame everybody and anybody for their failure but there is only one fact – they did not pay the price to stay in the market.

Warren Buffett and Hitesh Parikh both came correct for a change this time in the USA. How?

Warren Buffett is a living legend and his vision and wisdom are incomparable with anybody. He has always maintained one call – NEVER BET AGAINST AMERICA.

From 2015, we have maintained that the USA will TRANSFORM by 2024. Look at the events in the last 2-3 years. The old way of the USA is dying. The USA has lost its capitalist country status and it has become a Socialist Country with a lot of FREEBEES to the citizens. The dollar is losing power and other currencies are gaining. The economy is in BAD shape. They run away from Afghanistan. It created an image that the USA will not be a superpower anymore.

But USA is the USA.

Yesterday – USA CONGRESS passed a USD 3.5 Trillion Infrastructure Bill. This is a game-changing move for the USA economy in the coming time.

All the Analysts who were discounting the USA as an economy will have to relook at the USA with a FRESH LOOK now.  

So, Buffett and Hitesh Parikh both came correct.

What is my personal call?

With this move – the economy will move up for sure in the long run. The DEBT will balloon for sure and it will have its bad effect without a fail. But this time the money is being invested in some SOLID infrastructure and not free money to the people and that infrastructure will give long term advantage to the USA economy.

We have been guiding for the USA investments from 2017. We have made good money and we recommend investing in the USA stocks if you have a spare fund.

What NEXT?

India and the USA both are the hot destination for investing for coming 10 years view. If you need our inputs, you may approach us.

Have a great investing.


Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.


Live With Passion…Invest With Passion. 


Hitesh Parikh.



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