7 Habits of Highly Miserable People

 11th August 2021

7 Habits of Highly Miserable People

Dear Fellow Travelers,

Namaste! There are thousands of books on becoming happy and successful. Tons of Great souls in the field of religions and spiritual areas have come with suggestions to make our life happy, healthy, and peaceful. But we are ahead of them in making our life miserable. If you have any of the below-given habits – just stop it. Happiness will come on its own.

1.Try to Show what you are not.

Making a show of a successful person / rich person / knowledgeable person / loving person is easier than to actually become that kind of person. So, most guys love to imitate the same.

Say, someone wants to portray him as a rich and upmarket person – it’s simple. Take a loan. Buy a house in a good locality / buy a luxury car / take membership of the 5-star club and start socializing with rich people.

The problem will come when you have to pay the installments and money is not coming as per the expenses.

Buffett had said - “You never know who's swimming naked until the tide goes out.”

Tide will surely go out someday and that day will be the day to do suicide for the above kind of people. COVID situations have caught many such naked swimmers around the world.

2.Be Educated Dumb Person.

There is too much stress on being educated in India. To study, to become a graduate, to take some professional degree and do the job is the major focus for most the of the parents for their kids.

They spend millions on BOOKISH educations. The problem starts when the person is not getting a job / fired from the job / not getting a job equal to the salary of the last job / not getting promotions and things like that.

These guys are totally Bookish. There is not much difference between GOOGLE and Them.

They have never thought about developing some other skills which they can market. Say cooking/paintings/plumbing/driving/embroidery/house cleaning and things like that. They think that these works are for only uneducated people.

During COVID – above kind of guys who had some skills to do physical works – survived and many have prospered when only educated guys were living without jobs or on loans. 

3.Enjoy Now – Pay Later: -

These are the guys who think the Purpose of Life is to Be Happy instantly. So, they do all the activities which give them happiness instantly. They see a new mobile – they have not money. No problem. Swipe a Credit Card and enjoy the mobile now.

They want to go to vacation abroad. Just take a personal loan and go on Vacation. They like the car – take a loan and buy it now.

Their focus is on buying something now without having adequate money. They believe in living life King Size without having the money like King.

I was fortunate to have a Grand Father who used to tell me frequently – You are not NIZAM (Nizam was the richest king of his time in Hyderabad).

Instant gratification leads to long-term problems. The way one can spend instantly, there is no business or job which can earn those kinds of money instantly. So, they face tremendous pressures while paying the installments. The stress affects their relationships and health in the long term. The worst effect comes – when their kids also copy them. Thanks to this money go out at double the speed now.

They mistakenly think that achieving more goals, buying a new car / buying a new house / going for a vacation, or even getting in a new relationship will lead to happiness. But that doesn’t happen in reality. Enjoy now and pay later had made the USA go BANKRUPT. They are already but the declaration is pending. 

Buffet had said – “You can't have a baby in a month by making 9 women pregnant.”

4. Seek the Path of Least Resistance.

“A life of ease is not the pathway to growth and happiness. On the contrary, a life of ease is how you get stuck and confused in life.” -Benjamin P. Hardy

Your brain wants your life to be easy and predictable. It doesn’t care about the sort of life you lead or whether you’re happy. Instead, it only has one priority, and that is your survival.

Thus, it will be a natural instinct to seek the path of least resistance. However, you cannot grow and move forward in life within the realms of your comfort zone.

Early in life, I had been taught that – “if you develop the habits of doing things you don’t like to do; you will get the things you like to enjoy.”

The brain doesn’t want to work hard / doesn’t like to get up early in the morning / go for exercise or walk or read books daily or learn new skill sets. It’s natural.

So, all the successful people in the world take a lot of pains to put these kinds of habits into their system. Those, who are not ready to take this pain – they end up inviting troubles or a substandard lifestyle.

5. Allow Jealousy and Envy to Poison Your Life.

“Every minute you spend wishing you had someone else’s life is a minute spent wasting yours.” -Unknown

Jealousy and envy are not feelings you want to be filled with.

Anything anyone else has, you can have as well. But you’ve got to stop being a spectator of other people’s accomplishments and jump on the field to earn them for yourself.

6.Having Multiple Relationships and Many Kids

Chanakya had said a beautiful rule in his Niti Shashtra – “A person having more than one wife and many kids should not be killed. He is already dead.”

In current time more than one marriage is not legal for most of the populations of the World. So, secret relationships have taken over it. Having multiple relationships is an obsession for some. The problem gets compounded when they have kids from those relationships also.  

Now, those who are married at least once know that how difficult it is to manage life – these guys have made life difficult out of choice.

7. Focus on the Destination, Not the Journey.

I have not come across a single person who is not having a desire to become rich. Still, we have a lot many people who are poor or below the poverty line or in the middle class. I was always wondering – if everybody wants to become Rich, all should have been rich.

So, I decided to check the priorities of the people. Whatever is their priority in their life, they will focus on them by default. Simple.

So, I keep on asking people to put the number 1, 2, and 3 on following priorities for their life.



To be Comfortable

In the last 30 years of my questioning to people of all walks of life – 90% plus guys have given the following numberings.

1.   To be Comfortable

2.   To have LUXURIES

3.   To be WEALTHY

As you can see above the most guys have given number one – to Comfortable life, Second to LUXURY and third to be WEALTHY. Their thinking is if they are comfortable – they will try for LUXURY and if by a stroke of luck, they become WEALTHY they have no issues. Many see them as stages of their life - First being COMFORTABLE and last being WEALTHY.

Knowing this thought process of the normal person – we ask our clients to be with us for at least 3 years. They want to make money but are not ready to give 3 years of time to learn the art of investing.

Smartest of the smart breaks their journey into small parts. They go one step at a time. They enjoy the journey in that phase and then move to the next. This way they get the enjoyment of the success also and reach to their destination also.

In normal education also, we have 3 months exam, 6 months exam, 9 months exam, and yearly exam. Your school or college is also following the above system. So, in the final exam, you are well prepared. Now, for those who directly want to appear for Ph.D., even God can’t help them.

Focus on instant comforts leads to the web of loans and people end up life paying installments.

What NEXT?

I don’t know – how serious you are about your long-term happiness? I can only suggest that if you have any of the above habits or attitudes – work on them. You will bless me in the long run.

Have a happy life.


Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.


Live With Passion…Invest With Passion. 


Hitesh Parikh.


  1. Your blogs are excellent. Today's young generation don't understand or follow advice of their parents. They want iphones before they complete their schools.

  2. Once again you have hit the right button at the right place, very good for the new e generation kids and human beings

  3. TNX yr choosing of topics r great useful & well explained
    Yes jeev wants comforts ( but in reality it may be laziness) & wealth w/o much struggle so end is disasters Right TNX


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