Whom Should You Follow In This Market – Warren Buffett or George Soros?
Whom Should You Follow
In This Market – Warren Buffett or George Soros?
from Hitesh! It has been roller coaster ride in the market so far in this week.
New or Novice traders are finding it difficult to steer there trading and
investment ship with peace of mind. They all are asking one question – Should
they do trading or should they do investment in such a market? We ascribe
investment to Warren Buffett and Trading to George Soros. So, let us see which
one is better to be followed?
we discuss that – let us understand what EXISTENCE plans are?
Can You Find Somebody
Exactly Like You?
am sure you will not. Why? The existence does not like COPY PASTE. It has “N”
number of ideas and “N” number of creations. Each is different from the other.
Even two twins are not alike. In other words, you are created to live your own
life. You are created to make your own contribution. You are created to find
your own destiny. In existence – there is nothing which suites all. So, the
concept of EQUALITY is ANTI-EXISTENCE. You can’t success in doing something for
a long, which is ANTI-EXISTENCE. This is one of the CHIEF REASONS why KALR MARX
failed in bringing equality.
is UNIQUE and it will make sense to keep in mind when you deal with your
Then what is the use
you follow them at all?
understanding is simple – it is very difficult to understand yourself on your
own. As a child you first come to know about "others” then only you see
yourself. Many would have observed that SMALL CHILD telling you pointing
towards his STOMACH – “This is
see “I” only when you see “YOU”. You see “MINE” – when you see “YOURS”.
you be with GURUS – you will listen to him / read him / learn from him and
suddenly you will realize that you are also like him or you are not like him
and you will understand what exactly you are?
Once you know what you are – it becomes easy for you to go ahead in
search of your own DESTINY.
this in GEETAJI – Lord KRISHNA has said two important ADVISES to ARJUNE.
1st in
CHAPTER 2 – verse 31 :-
svadharmam api cha vekshya na vikampitam arhasi
dharmyad dhi yuddha chhreyo anyat
shatriyasya na vidyate ॥ 2-31 ॥
are KSHATRIYA and your DHARMA is FIGHTING – do not run away from it.
2nd in
CHAPTER 18 – verse 66 :-
sarva-dharman parityajya
mam ekam saranam vraja
aham tvam sarva-papebhyo
moksayisyami ma
Abandon all varieties of religions
and just surrender unto YOU. You shall come out from all sinful reaction. Do
not fear.
Most translations of the above SLOKA says – SURRENDER TO KRISHNA
and you shall have not SIN. This is
WRONG according to my understanding due to following reasons.
you read the SLOKA and if you understand the meaning of MAM EKAM (just read it loud – MERE EK UPER) – it means surrender to
“I”. i.e ARJUN should surrender to his own DHARMA ( i.e. his KSHATRIYA DHARMA)
– leaving all other SO CALLED DHARMAS.
understanding tells me – if KRISHNA wanted ARJUNA to SURRENDER to him only – he
would not have explained to him all the aspects of DHARMAS in 18 chapters. He
would have just ordered him to fight and said just do as I say – “I am there, just fight.”
Instead, he gave time to ARJUN to think on every aspects /
allowed ARJUN to ask as many questions as he wants to ask and come to his own
why he said to ARJUN in chapter 18, Verse 63
Thus, I have explained to you
this knowledge that is more secret than all secrets. Ponder over it deeply, and
then do as you wish.
DO AS YOU WISH is the major
word to remember.
What are my
observations of my clients?
the last 25 years – I have been dealing with lot many clients. I have found
that those who learns from me / apply their situation specific or their need
specific logic – they become most successful and they have remained with me for
a long term. Many of my clients are still working with me since 1996!! We have grown
understood my system – they applied in their own way and in their own situation
depending on their own priorities – they made tons of money. I became a MEDIUM
for them and not the SOURCE. They were the SOURCE for their SUPER SUCCESS!! They are 100%
responsible for their own success.
What NEXT?
suggestion is to find out your own PURPOSE / DHARMA to be in market. If you
know it – you will be making tons of money in the market – whether it goes up
or goes down.
you are a FAIR WHETHER player / Opportunistic or Just SELFISH – you will lose your last shirt. Market will
not SPARE You. Remember my words.
in congruence with your own SELF. Do not bother with what MEDIA ESPERTS are
telling you. If you do just this much – I assure you – you will be 100%
you want FINANCIAL SALVATION – you will need to learn the FINE ART OF
INVESTMENTS. Look at my TRACK RECORD / TRANPERANCY and love for TRUTH - Ponder over it deeply, and
then do as you wish. Your choice will make your DESTINY in 2016 and beyond.
Wish you all a very
Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh or
on WhatsApp - +91-9869425399 or www.hiteshmparikh.com
Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.
Hitesh Parikh.
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