Interesting Similarities Between Shrimad BHAGWAT / TAO TE CHING and GEORGE SOROS – Understand the UNEXPLAINED SECRET

January 20, 16

Interesting Similarities Between Shrimad BHAGWAT / TAO TE CHING and GEORGE SOROSUnderstand the UNEXPLAINED SECRET

Greetings from Hitesh! Most of you have liked our last post on “A for APPLE / B for BAT / C for CAT and NORMAL Investors”. Most readers are appreciating simplicity of our explanations. May be that is my style. Bye the time I came to 10th class, I had read all scriptures relevant to our religion as it was in a story form. I used to enjoy the stories of Lord Krishna / RAM and Mahabharat.

Deep down in my heart I always used to feel there must be some hidden meanings behind these simple stories but I was not able to find a clue to unlock the hidden meanings. However, I kept on my journey of reading. I read TAO TE CHING. When I came into Investment – I started reading about great investors and I read about Buffett and Soros. Today, I am going to share unique similarities between these THREE. As usual I have linked them to Investment Success. So, read it with patience, enjoy and if possible UNLEARN!!


It is the core of HINDU religion. It starts with the very beautiful but strange story of a Young Woman ( BHAKTI) and her two OLD sons (GYAN and VAYRAGYA). Naradji meets her and she tells her story.

She said – she was born in SOUTH / Brought up in KARNATAKA / Got some respect in MAHARASHTRA and when she entered in GUJARAT – she became OLD. But when she came to VRINDAVAN – she became young again but her sons are still old.

Now look at the SOUTH – it’s full of Devotion. Even today it has the highest number of TEMPLES. They follow most of the RITUALS better than the other parts of the India. When you come to KARNATAKA – you still get same kind of atmosphere. Later on it goes on reducing and in Gujarat  - we find business community and they have nothing much to do with BHAKTI!!

My understanding tells me that BHAKTI is THERE. It is BEING. So-called GYAN and VAIRGYA are nothing but creation of DOING oriented mind. DOING fuels your EGO. As long as you approach GYAN and VAIRGYA with doing mind – you will become OLD but you will not reach to BHAKTI!!

All our GYAN is nothing but some Methods / Mantra / Mandir. All our VIARGYA is for the time being and not permanent.  DOING will always become OLD and DIE someday. How long can you do something? You will get tired / bored someday. I have seen MANY SADHUS – but I have yet to see a LAUGHING SADHU.

So, the story tells you that BHAKTI can’t be done with DOING mind. It is BEING THING.

Most guys I have HEARD / READ are not able to stop here and deal with this in a proper way. They go on ADVISING DOING HARI NAMJAP / HARI KIRTAN / HARI BHAKTI based on the BOOK. 

Can you see the PARADOX – what it says on the FIRST PAGE and WHAT YOU END UP DOING? Now, you understand – why most guys remain away from the TRUTH?


Now, let us go to CHINA where LAO TZU wrote this book called TAO TE CHING. He was considered the most KNOWLEGEABLE person in his KINGDOM. Around age 80 he decided to leave the KINGDOM and go to HIMALAYAS. The KING stopped him at the EXIT point and asked him to write something before he goes. Geeta was said on WAR TIME and this book was written on the EXIT point of the city, in this way this is also a UNIQUE book.

What he wrote on the first page can be connected to what is said in SHRIMAD BHAGWAT.

On the first page he wrote – “TAO can’t be WRITTEN / TAO can’t be EXPLAINED / TAO is a PATHLESS PATH. You can’t walk on it. It is there. You just have to be aware about it.” For simplicity let us take the meaning of TAO as the TRUTH.

After saying this – he wrote the whole book of 37 chapters!! What a Joke on the KING?

Here he talks about NON-DOING. He talks about BEING. Can you see the connection?

Now, let us come to current times and listen what GEORGE SOROS says.


George Soros has got some of the biggest macro calls right over the years. How does he do it? If you were to get around to reading all the books that Soros has written over the years, you will come to realize that he follows something known as the theory of reflexivity to get in and out of financial markets.

Nevertheless, his son Robert, offers another explanation for his success in Michael Kaufman's Soros: The Life and Times of a Messianic Billionaire. As Robert puts it "My father will sit down and give you theories to explain why he does this or that. But I remember seeing it as a kid and thinking, Jesus Christ, at least half of this is bullshit, I mean, you know the reason he changes his position in the market or whatever is because his back starts killing him. It has nothing to do with reason. He literally goes into a spasm, and it's his early warning sign."

Soros himself has had his doubts about how he makes money. As he writes in The New Paradigm for Financial Markets - The Credit Crisis of 2008 and What It Means: "To what extent my financial success was due to my philosophy is a moot question because the salient feature of my theory is that it does not yield any firm predictions. Running a hedge fund involves the constant exercise of judgement in a risky environment, and that can be very stressful. I used to suffer from backaches and other psychosomatic ailments, and I received as many useful signals from my backaches as from my theory. Nevertheless, I attributed great importance to my philosophy and particularly my theory of reflexivity."

So, it was not HIS doing OR HIS MBA kind of LOGIC, which made him BILLIONAIR – it was HIS BEING.

What Next?

All Big Success / Big Money / Big Name and Fame comes when you be the part of BEING. There are no WAYS to DO THEM / REACH TO THEM. I have read – “N” number of books / paid lacs to WETERN STYLE consultant on SUCCESS. Applied all there systems and the results was MEDIOCRE success. They all are DOING oriented.

With DOING mind – all you will get is a MEDIOCRE success or failure. Both will bring their shares of ANXIETY / EXCITEMENT / INSECURITY and UNHAPPINESS in your life.

With Being you remain in the state of PERMANENT BLISS. 

Make your CHOICE.

If you like my approach towards getting SUCCESS and MAKING MONEY - just be with me.

Wish you all a very HAPPY MID-WEEK.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh or on WhatsApp - +91-9869425399 or

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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