QUESTIONS, You Should Ask Before You Invest NOW?

January 24, 16

QUESTIONS, You Should Ask Before You Invest NOW?

Greetings from Hitesh! We are about to end the first month of 2016. Many views are coming from every quarter about market and coming market scenario. This is puzzling and leading to more and more questions in the normal investors mind. I think this is the time I should help you with right kind of questions. Let me deal with the questions on the personal life first.


The difference in the quality of people’s lives often comes down to the difference in the questions they consistently ask themselves. If you ask a disempowering question — such as, “Why does this always happen to me?” — your mental computer will look for an answer, and to satisfy the question, your subconscious may even make something up, such as “Because you aren’t good enough” or “Because you are not smart enough.” Or “Because my family background is such.” Or “Because I belong to such and such CASTE”.

But if you start asking yourself empowering questions, such as “How can I use this experience to appreciate myself more?” or “How can I benefit from this experiences?” your brain will look for answers to this question and often come up with an answer that not only makes you feel better, but allow you to celebrate and reconnect with your true self.

This is why making the shift towards quality questions is so important. Because quality questions create a quality life. They direct our mental focus and ultimately determine how we think and feel. The key is to develop a pattern of questions that empower your true nature. For example, try focusing on quality questions such as:

    •    What am I most happy about in my life now?
    •    What am I most excited about in my life now?
    •    What am I most proud about in my life now?
    •    What am I most grateful about in my life now?
    •    What am I enjoying most in my life right now?
    •    What am I committed to in my life right now?
    •    Who do I love?

By making quality questions part of your daily ritual, you will be able to access your most empowering emotional states. And over time, as you consistently practice doing so, you will be able to create mental highways to happiness, excitement, pride, gratitude, joy, commitment and love — which is who you are at your core. 

How to ask Empowering Question while investing?

Most guys ask – How is the market? What will the market movement in coming week/month/year? Why I am making losses every time I invest? If you ask such questions – you will go for a TOSS. You will get lot many opinions as ANSWERS. You accept these ANSWERS as a FACT and once you believe them as FACT – your emotional status will be negative and you will not take proper actions.

Let us TRY some of the following Questions:- “How can I use this experience to make money in market?” or “How can I benefit from this experiences?” or “What should I do to make money in current market conditions?” or “How successful investors are making money in such market conditions?” or “What Successful Investors are doing that I am not doing?”

If you ask above questions – you will end up having your most empowering emotional status. This status will do the MAGIC in your investment LIFE.

What NEXT?

You have always asked dis-empowering questions. Try above questions and see the change in your investment and personal life.

Wish you all a very happy Week Ahead.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh or on WhatsApp - +91-9869425399 or

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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