January 27, 16


Greetings from Hitesh! I am happy with the responses to my last post on INSTANT RESTULS in DREAM world. All are eager to know about the technology to go into BEING. They all want to go to BEING – so they can get to their goals instantly. In a way, they want to use BEING as DOING!! Mind is very cleaver. It will focus on only those areas where it wants to. Anyhow, I am sharing my thoughts for the GENUINE readers. Just take advantage of the same.

What is MISTAKE?

Mistake means wrong or misguided judgment as per the dictionary meaning. E.g. when market was down – you did not invest. Now market came up and you think you should have invested at lower levels. / When market was at high levels – you should have sold, but you did not and when it came down – you realize you should have sold!! This is most normal understanding.

Two aspects define mistakes – doing things, you should not have done and not doing things, you should have done. Now, take one step further – doing or not doing particular thing in our life is dominated by our beliefs. Religious / social / traditions / education and economic background / Moral and Ethical Values we follow play their role in creating our belief system.

We judge good or bad based on above parameters only. Normal persons consider behaviors not in congruence with the above as MISTAKES.

So, mistakes are not judged per se as mistakes. They are DERRIVATIVE in nature. You decide based on your beliefs.

Now, let us see MISTAKES of an MBA:-

To become an MBA it takes 17 years of Education in India (10+2+3+2). You need to study and pass 16 years to get into 17th years and pass the same before you get your DEGREE, am I right?

Now, if I say the first 16 years of your education is your mistake – you would not AGREE with me. Am I right?

Your arguments would be – you see MBA as a destination and for that you have to study for 17 years in total. You are ready for that from the day one. You study for all the 17 years. You may get 60% in first standard to 16th Standard / you may fail in between / you may top the SSC or HSC or GRADUATION CLASS, all are part of the process to your destination of an MBA, till you finish that course, am I right?

You will spend lakhs of rupee on school and tuition fees / on books / on donation and other things before you enter into FINAL MBA CLASS. Am I right?

Though you expect to get a better job after your MBA, you are fully aware that you may not get the kind of job you may desire / not the kind of salary you may desire but your LOGIC is simple – if I have an MBA – some day or the other I will find my DESIRED JOB. In fact, a girl’s father would also be happy to give you his daughter in marriage – just because you are an MBA!! He is also sure that you will not keep his daughter HUNGRY.

Why you STRUGGLE for 17 years?

There is no need for it. There are better and faster way to gain the same kind of knowledge than your typical MBA. But most guys would die to get into IIMs or HARWARD. Why?

They BELIEVE that it is GOOD / it has a VALUE / it will be USEFUL in future / All are also doing the same.

What happens when an MBA comes to INVESTMETN World?

He is not ready to spend money and time to learn the investments. He is not ready to wait even for 3 years. He wants everything instant. He believes that this is left hand’s play and you can do it if you have just right contacts!!

What about PARENTS of an MBA guy?

They spend millions on their son. They feel happy when they see their son become an MBA. They are 100% okay (most parents), if their sons do not repay them in their old age. They are spending money on their kids because they believe that it is their DUTY to educate and settle their kids!! Their parents have done for them and they are doing for their KIDS.

What are the points I am driving at?

1.     You are your belief. You judge – Good or Bad based on your beliefs.
2.     If your belief supports – you are ready to invest for 17 years or more for your KIDs without any GAURANTEE or ASSURANCE.
3.     As a parent you are just happy seeing your child growing up and making him educated. You feel proud when you see your child becomes somebody.
4.     You are 100% okay with variations in your results every year – as long as you are on your path to become an MBA.
5.     When it comes to investments – you are not ready to follow above given simple way! You talk about guarantee / time limits / beating the market / saving on tuition fees and things like that.

What do we suggest?

You just have to create new beliefs about Investments. Once you CREATE new beliefs – you need to be with the like-minded people so as to make it more solid and long lasting. Once you do above – adopt some new kid (invest in some good companies) and go on investing in it for a long term. Don’t worry for yearly variations in its value and you will find that one fine day – it has made you billionaire.

In your MBA case also – say your son gets a fist salary of Rs.1 Cr and you recover all his study expenses in one year!! 17 years expenses in 1 year!!

This is the MAGIC of investments. You need belief in PATIENCE!!

What about MISTAKES?

Life is a FLOW like RIVER. You just have to flow – you may fall into deep valley / you may have big stones as hurdles / you may get plane surface – all you have to do is to go on flowing till you reach to the SEA!!

According to me – there are no MISTAKES. It’s just BEING. We make it complicated by seeing the FLOW in PARTS rather than in totality. The way you see an MBA in totality – see investment in totality without any judgments and I assure you – you will never make mistakes!!

If you wish you can take a TRIAL of 3 months or join us for 3 years and see yourself.


Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh or on WhatsApp - +91-9869425399 or www.hiteshmparikh.com

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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