The most sensitive 4 months of 2023 – 30th May 2023 to 1st October 2023.

 21st April 2023

The most sensitive 4 months of 2023 – 30th May 2023 to 1st October 2023.

Dear Fellow Travelers,

Namaste! In keeping with our tradition to keep you ahead of the events – we are sharing our call on the most eventful time of the year 2023. The lord of Luxury, Love, Romance and Mahaguru VENUS is entering into CANCER on 30th May. It will remain in CANCER for 4 months by its direct and retrograde motions.This will have its lasting effects on all of us.

What happens when VENUS comes to the CANCER?

Moon represents Cancer. It means Cancer is the sign of Mother / Nurturing / Happiness and comforts. So, it all about emotions. Venus represents Love / Romance / Luxury and the peak of Humanity. Lord Krishna and Osho had VRISHABH lagna. The Lord of Vrishabh lagna is VENUS.  They both tried to take the humanity to the peak.

So, when the VENUS enters the CANCER – it gets the motherly love / comforts and emotions. VENUS represents the LOVE and ROMANCE of the BELOVED and not the MOTHERLY LOVE. Venus is ultimate Luxury and Cancer is just comforts. So, this combination is not good as per astrology.

In fact, MOON and VENUS are enemy planet as per the rules. Venus feels suffocated in the sign of Cancer and it can’t give its full results in the sign of cancer.

The results will be Highly Sensitive Emotions / HEAVY EMOTIONS / CONTROLLING EMOTIONS / BLAST OF EMOTIONS.

How it will affect India?

India has VENUS in CANCER only. See we are always constrained when we express our emotions or we blast. Indians are not at all ROMANTIC in true sense.

We can have issues with our Neighbouring Countries / Issues from Water (Heavy Rain or Less Rain or Flooding).

Money flow will be excellent in India. Those who are not investing will miss the golden opportunity to make tons of money. Investors with GUTS will make the best money in this period. GUTS is not a SKILL and it can’t be taught. So, you need a mentor if you know that you don’t have guts.

Overall, this 4 months are going to be full of EMOTIONAL OUTBURST on one or the other issues.

Just remember – Emotions don’t understand the LOGIC. So, those who follow the logic will make the money. Those who follow the emotions will miss the opportunities.

What is the VENUS CANCER TRANSIT horoscope says?

Venus will enter Cancer on 30th May 2023 at 19.39pm Mumbai times.

Vrishchik Lagna is arising and Venus is in 9th house with Mars. This is a combination of MALE and FEMALE in CANCER. Rather than ROMANCE – this will lead to just EMOTIONS and rather NEGATIVE emotions.

During the 4 months Venus is not getting any aspect. Just SUN and MERCURY will join it after 2 months of the above date. Till that time the VENUS will be alone. Tons of emotions will be there but no actions!!

This will lead to lot of joint ventures / takeover and merger talks. They will either not materialize or end into divorce. So, those who are planning any of the business move or relationships in the height of emotions will suffer more in the following period.

Those who are in MEDIA and FILM LINE will have to be extra alert during this time. They may end up affecting the emotions of the followers in the negative way.

Film industry will see muted period of growth. Film personalities will suffer in one or the other way for sure.

What are the DOS and DON'T of this PERIOD?

1.   Take decision with LOGIC and LONG TERM VIEW.

2.   SHORT TERM VIEW and EMOTIONAL DECISIONS will affect your HEALTH / WEALTH and NAME for sure.

3.   If you enter into the relationships in this period – be careful not to over commit. Don’t go and promise moon. You will suffer lot due to this mistake in the following period.

4.   There will be a rise in Me Too kind of events in the following period. So, those who are very fast to enter into the relationships – should use more of HEAD than HEART.

5.   Businesses who are into IMPULSE buying will see rise in their turnover. TOURS and TRAVEL will see good growth.

6.   Law and Order will become strict. So, be on the right side of the law. Don’t take the LAW ENFORCERS for granted.

What NEXT?

This study is based on VENUS only. There are other 11 planets which you must take into account when you are taking any personal or business decisions. Ideally, your own horoscope should be the best tool to understand your personal opportunities and challenges. Go for your personal readings.

I wish you all the best.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh /  WhatsApp - +91-9869425399.

Learn a Lesson. Live with Passion Invest with Reason.


Hitesh Parikh.



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