Are you poor or in problems due to GOD/ Luck / Planets / Vaastu? Top Secret to making tons of money on AKSHYA TRITIYA.

22nd April 2023


Are you poor or in problems due to GOD/ Luck / Planets / Vaastu? Top Secret to making tons of money on AKSHYA TRITIYA.


Dear Fellow Travelers,


Namaste! Our last two posts – a post on Mukesh Bhai and a post on a coming sensitive time in 2023 were appreciated for the content we shared. Most readers found our observation on Mukesh Bhai relevant and Out of the box. Thanks a ton for your time in reading our post and appreciating and circulating amongst your contacts. 


Today is the Most Auspicious Day of Akshay Tritiya and I want you to share the secret of Abundance of Money / Happiness. But before that let us see some of the common issues people face or they believe that they are in problems due to something or the other.


1.   I have no money. I am not able to earn enough to meet my expenses. 

2.   I have tons of loans and am unable to pay the EMI.

3.   I have XYZ health issues and I am unable to recover.

4.   My business is not moving up as expected / Not getting the job I want? 

5.   My relationships are not as great as I want them to be. 

6.   I am not happy because my so-and-so planets are not supporting me. 

7.   I am suffering because my VAASTU is not proper as per my Vaastu consultant. 

8.   I have lost money in the stock market. I think a stock market is a place for cheaters only. 

9.   My neighbours/ relatives are jealous of my progress so they have done some black magic on me and my family. 


If you go through the above list – I am sure you will find something or the other which may be your issue or related to your issue. 


Two Questions will change your Outlook: – 


Are you ALIVE or DEAD Now?


If you are reading this post – it proves that you are ALIVE and not dead. Be happy that you are alive in spite of the above problems. 


If you are ALIVE – as we have proved above – we can definitely do something about the above problems. So, we will ask the second question? 


Do you have a BURNING DESIRE to solve the problem/s?


Most of the ALIVE people die normal death or die waiting for death because they lack the BURNING DESIRE to solve their problems or grow up in life. 


Burning Desire leads to FOCUS and when you are FOCUSED to solve your issues or grow up – you don’t consider any other obstacles as obstacles. 


Let me share my favorite example of BURNING DESIRE. Say you have a SEVERE CHEST PAIN. What will you do? You will rush to the nearest DOCTOR or the HOSPITAL. Will you ask DOCTOR about his CERTIFICATES / QUALIFICATIONS / FEES or other facilities? All you will ask DOCTOR is that you SAVE MY LIFE. If you have no money your wife will sell GOLD JEWELRY or BORROW from your friends and relatives and pay the bills. Since you wanted to SAVE your LIFE – you / your family took DRASTIC ACTIONS without worrying about MONEY and other factors. You were totally focused. Wow, you are SAVED. 

BURNING DESIRE brings a SENSE OF URGENCY and a SENSE OF URGENCY brings MOMENTUM in your life. Momentum leads to the GOALS. 


What has been the NORMAL PERSON’s way of thinking?


I am working with individuals from all walks of life since 1992. My area of work is Investments / Astrology and Vaastu. These three are the fields where people are full of GREED and/or FEAR. So, it is easy to understand human psychology.


My observations say – people don’t have a BURNING DESIRE to MAKE MONEY / SOLVE their problems. In fact, most of them are not ready to think that they can go to the TOP and make tons of money or have success and happiness in their life. They are simply lacking the strong desire to grow up. 


I keep on getting tons of inquiries about my services when people read my blogs regularly. The first question for them to work with me or not is not MY EXPERTISE / MY EXCELLENT TRACK RECORD / MY EXPERIENCE. 


They are not focused to solve their problems or make tons of money from the stock market. So, they are not worried about my background and they are also not focused on their GOAL to make money or come out of the problem. 


Their first question is - WHAT ARE MY CHARGES? 


If the answer to this question suits them – they will talk about other aspects. 


If you also have asked the above question and stopped  – I don’t know anything about your personal goals and issues but one thing I can tell you with 100% surety is that you are NOT FOCUSED on what you want? 


When you are not FOCUSED on your GOALS and you have no BURNING DESIRE to solve your issues or grow up in your life – how existence will give you that? 

Steel Magnet of the USA Andrew Carnegie had an obsession: Anything in life worth having was worth working for. 

So, do you think it’s worth making tons of money / it’s worth solving your issues – then you will have to work for it. Pay for it. 


What NEXT?


If you just follow the above formula – you will always have solutions to your issues and you will be growing up each and every day. Your GROWTH will always be AKSHAY – meaning it will never die. You will have continuous and never-ending growth.  


Happy Akshat Tritiya to each one of you. 


If you have a burning desire to grow up – you can approach us NOW. 


Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh /  WhatsApp - +91-9869425399.

Learn a Lesson. Live with Passion Invest with Reason.


Hitesh Parikh.


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