Dhirubhai Ambani – Mukesh Ambnai and Aakash Ambani – understanding the growth process.

 29th April 2023

Dhirubhai Ambani – Mukesh Ambnai and Aakash Ambani – understanding the growth process.

Dear Fellow Travellers,

Namaste! Reading our last 2 post on emotions / knowledge and knowing – many regular readers have suggested to share us some concrete example to bring home the point we were trying to explain. Luckily, we have many success stories in India. But I am taking the most followed company to explain my concept with example.

Dhirubhai Ambani: - He is an example of EMOTION. He saw a dream and to fulfil his dream he took drastic and fast actions. He established Reliance in 1977 and had a big dream to become number one company in India.

Now, if you look at his background – his father did not have money to start with. He did not get opportunities to take big DEGREES in his life. All he had was a DREAM – EMOTIONS or PASSION.

90% of the investors in the stock market are falling in this category. They have a DREAM – DESIRE to make big money from the stock market but they lack the KNOWLEDGE necessary for the same. They follow the TRIAL and ERROR methods to make money in stock market. Their criteria of knowledge is – when their bought shares moves up – they assume that they know and understand the stock market!! May God save them?

Dhirubhai created a TEAM of the people with knowledge to reach his dreams and he covered up his missing link of not having proper knowledge.

If you are at this level – you will not LISTEN to any consultant – advisor or coach. You will assume that you are knowing stock market because your one or two shares have multiplied FAST. You are considering favourable MARKET TREND and YOUR LUCK as your knowledge and skill.

If you want to success with emotions like DHIRUBHAI – you must have the team of skilled people in the investment area.


He took CHEMICAL ENGINEERING DEGREE and BUSINESS MANAGEMENT degree before he joined his family business. He is a symbol of KNOWLEDGE.

He has KNOWLEDGE – SKILL and highly sophisticated team of consultant and employees to run and expand his business. I have been told that he had a group of VISION TEAM. The job of this people is to see the coming time – find out the opportunities and help the company to establish the business in that area. See – his OIL to CHEMICAL BUSINESS – GREEN ENERGY BUSINESS – JIO and RETAIL all are the results of this VISION TEAM.

Being a knowledgeable person himself – he knows the value of having the right people in his team and he is ready to PAY above market price so as to retain them for long term and take advantage of their skill sets.

If you are at this level – you will gladly appoint consultants and be with them for a long time without worrying about the short term ups and downs.

They took over the company having a MOBILE license in 2011 and started JIO commercial operations in 2017. They waited for 7 years before they can even earn Rs.1 out of the same.

In 2021-22 they started GREEN ENERGY business with a commercial operation starting in 2030!! They are going to wait for 9-10 years in this business also.

I see my investor friends get panicked if their shares goes down on the first day – first month and first year. They simply lack the KNOWLEDGE of the market.


He is graduate in Economics. He has got business on a platter. He doesn’t need to struggle like his grandfather and father. He is knowing that he has the ready businesses. He just has to RUN THEM properly and while maintaining the growth of the business and expand the same as and when it’s possible.

He is a symbol of KOWING. He is KNOWING what he HAS and WHAT he is expected to do? He has a team of knowledgeable and skillful people and the team is doing fine. He just have to keep an eye on them.

How to use this for investment success?

Find out which stage of your life you are in Investment area. DA / MA or AA. I have seen most people like DA model and they don’t want to take help of consultants or knowledge. They want to go by their emotions and passion. But the growth will not be SMOOTH in this model and you will have lots of controversies. Reliance had the highest controversies in their initial phase.

In the MA model – the growth is SUPER FAST – growth rate is also high thanks to the support of the knowledgeable people. The advantage here is – you will have NO CONTROVERSIES. So you can focus on the business and grow it. If you are in MA stage – you will surely take the help of proper investment consultants for a long time and pay them well.

If you are in AA model – you have already a proper team – you are also knowledgeable yourself and your job is to see that your investment is doing well. This is the ideal stage in the investment journey.

What NEXT?

The above is very easy explanation for success stages in an investment area. If you don’t consciously upgrade your stage to MA, you will unconsciously stay in the DA stage for lifetime and curse your luck.

If you like our skill sets, vision and the most important ACCURACY – you can approach us for personal guidance.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh /  WhatsApp - +91-9869425399.

Learn a Lesson. Live with Passion Invest with Reason.

Hitesh Parikh.


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