Our Bold Prediction - How will be the performance of Your Investments in 2023?

 30th December 2022

Our Bold Prediction - How will be the performance of Your Investments in 2023?

Dear Fellow Investors,

Namaste! The most often heard FM Radio channel is – WII FM – What’s in it for me? Normal investors are not concerned much with the market – politics – economic performance or any other parameters. They are like concerned about their own performance in any given scenario. They want to outperform their fellow investors / neighbors and friends. Their only criteria of happiness is to beat their near and dear in terms of Money / Name / Fame and Health. Today I am using science of astrology to predict your performance in 2023 – without knowing your NAME / HOROSCOPE DETAILS / PALM details. Believe me or not – I will go 100% right when you look back your 2023 in December 2023.

What we said about near year 2079 horoscope in DIWALI?

1.   Jupiter is knowledge. It's retrograde at the start of the year 2079. It means WRONG KNOWLEDGE or RUMOURS will be spread at the start of the year and normal people will follow the MEDIA as usual and they will miss the opportunity. 

Jupiter was the LAGNA lord. It means the INVESTOR HIMSELF. Just see what he did last week.

In the last week there were rumours of CORONA coming again in India. They sold of the nifty to 17800. Today it is 18400. As per the last Friday data – retails sold of the most on Friday.

What is Makar Sankranti 2023 horoscope says?

Makar Sankranti horoscope is the best way to predict the coming year apart from the other methods. This time MAKAR SANKRANTI is on 14th January 2023 and the time is 20.46pm.

In the same – SIMHA LAGNA is rising and the lagna lord SUN is in 6th house with the enemy Satrun. Saturn will change the sign on 17th January 2023 and Sun will also meet Saturn again on 15th February 2023 for another month. It means the LAGNA LORD is in ENEMY CAMP for the first 2 months of the 2023.

When SUN changes MERCURY is RETROGRADE in the 5th house. Mercury is retrograde and 5th house is of the share market. It means the small investors will not be able to take intelligent decision during the first 2 months.

Sun is 5th house lord in NATURAL CHART and it is in ENEMY CAMP means – the investors will be MISGUIDED by the MEDIA and other VESTED interest people.

What will be the performance of the Small investors under above two situations?

They will use their knowledge and intelligence in wrong way and they will miss the biggest money making opportunities of their life by following the rumours and media.

The most investors will say – I should not have listened to the MEDIA by the end of 2023. But “I should not have” – will not change their losses into profit.  

This is Collective Destiny.

How to manage your Destiny under the above situations?

Arjun was in shock and under the grief when the MAHABHARAT WAR was to start. He wanted to give up and take SANYAS.

Small investors will also face the same kind of mindset in the coming times as per the collective destiny mentioned above.

ARJUN took the smart move – he chose the KRISHNA as his Consultant. Krishna prepared the ARJUN to come out of his mindset and win the war. Arjun won the war at the end.

Hitesh Parikh is a visionary consultant and known for his accurate predication years after years. He was a way ahead of the Market expert in predicting India’s golden period from 2014 to 2032. Now we are left with just 10 years. Those who listened to US – will be able to manage their destiny smoothly and they will have tons of money to enjoy at the end.

What additional action you can take?

Apart from taking our inputs in investing in Indian / USA and CRYPTO markets – you can get your personal destiny verified with the help of science of astrology. We guide 100% FREE to all our clients. When you take our investment inputs – you are getting a services of a seasoned astrologer who has a rich experience of 35 years and predicting accuracy like Arjun’s arrow.

Just 2 days to go before we start 2023. Take your call now.

Wish you all a great 2023.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh /  WhatsApp - +91-9869425399.

Learn a Lesson. Live with Passion Invest with Reason.


Hitesh Parikh.


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