How long BJP can sustain in the power without MODI Ji?

 10th December 2022

How long BJP can sustain in the power without MODI Ji?

Dear Fellow Travellers,

Namaste! BJP and Modi lovers are celebrating a historical victory in Gujarat. It’s logical and on expected lines. They must celebrate. Congress is also celebrating its victory in Himachal. The difference is BJP leaders asked for votes on the name of Modi Ji and congress leaders asked on their local performance or image. Today’s Saturday study is based on this.

BJP and Gujrati Model of Leadership: -

In a typical Gujrati and Marwadi shop – the head of the family is the head of the shop. All the decisions are taken as per his judgment. All members are always fearful of the top guy. Many times, some of the guys become near to the top guy and they also enjoy the power.

There is no doubt about Modi Ji’s leadership skills or dynamism. He is the super leader. But BJP local leaders have not been able to show their performance or allowed to show their performance due to the typical MODI-SHAH Gujarati Model. The local leaders are just executives to carry out High Command Orders.

It’s unfortunate for the INDIA that World’s Most Powerful leader like Modi Ji wasted tons of days in Gujrat Election. He is the PM of India but he was acting as the marketing guy of BJP in state elections.

The only leader next to Modi Ji in BJP is YOGI Ji who has actual experience in running the government. Shah is a super strategist but does not have the actual experience of running a government. Rest other leaders are not allowed to show their personal skills to the public.

The long-term effect will be the in-PARTY POWER STRUGGLE in the BJP after MODI Ji for sure. Since local leadership is not allowed to develop – local states will have difficulty in gaining the VOTES after MODI JI.

How this is applicable to CORPORATES with long-term Success?

In his classical book – Build to Last – Jim Collins discussed the reasons and habits for successful long-lasting companies.

In India, the TATA and Infosys groups have followed the same model. Now, Reliance is also going the same way. They are giving importance to the company first and personal ego satisfaction secondary importance.

Many companies have come and gone to the top and vanished over time thanks to one man wonder leadership model.

How NORMAL INVESTOR thinks when he is investing?

A person is focused so much on immediate earning that he ends up trading future multi-baggers for Rs.10-50 profits and holds the future disaster in his portfolio as long-term holdings.

Today MODI JI is selling in the Voters market so BJP is selling him. But the FUTURE is dark. In the same way, a normal investor sells the best of the companies for paltry profits. He wants some immediate benefits to prove that he is a GREAT INVESTOR.

I have observed this behaviour with small – medium and big investors alike. This is the reason there are very few BUFFETT'S or RAKESH kinds of names in the investment world.


The test of real knowledge as a leader or investor is to know – What you should not do?

There are N number of colleges – Universities – Gurus and Google who are ready to tell you – WHAT YOU SHOULD DO? Most people end up their learning cycle by knowing what to do? The most advanced and successful people learn – what they should not do?

What you should not do is a function of – your GOAL CLARITY and ROLE CLARITY. If you have these two skills – you will stop doing what you should not do.

Most people when they reach the top – forget the above two and create a mess for the next generations by doing what they should not do.

Lesson from RAMAYAN: -

BJP is building RAM MANDI but they have not learned the lessons from RAMAYAN.

Monkey under the leadership of HANUMAN – built the bridge to the LANKA. All they did was write RAM on each of the stones and throw them in the SEA. RAM was sitting and just observing what his team was doing.

Just the name of the RAM was converting STONE into BRIDGE. In the same way, BJP should use MODI JI’s name and not the MODI JI.

What NEXT?

It is very difficult to see the coming bad times when you are getting success in the present. It requires a lot of VISION for the future and GUTS to admit the mistakes. In Jainism, there is a very beautiful word PUNYANUBANDHI PAP. The simple meaning of the same is - your present Good Times is going to end in Bad Times.

If you are also following the BJP model in Investing or Life – BE ALERT. Take drastic action for the growth of the FUTURE and not only PRESENT Growth.

If you need help in the area of Investing or Personal Destiny Management – take our input before it is too late.

Have a great investing.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.

Learn a Lesson. Live with Passion Invest with Reason.

Hitesh Parikh.


  1. Excellent explanation true too one man show will expire with his destiny diminishes


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