What they don’t teach you in Technical Analysis Classes?
17th December 2022
What they don’t teach you in Technical Analysis Classes?
Dear Fellow Travellers,
Namaste! When I was doing my management degree – I was asked by my professor to read – “What they don’t teach you at HARWARD Business School?” The book was a masterpiece of learning from the ground realities. The book teaches - why succeeding in business has less to do with accumulated theoretical knowledge through schooling and books, and more about people and communication.
This was a priceless lesson given for just Rs.500. Now, let us go to new age gurus.
With the technology penetration and improved monetary situations for middle-class families – more and more young people are coming to the stock market. They are TRADING for LIVING kind of a lot. There is also a group who are having a good business or job and want to make money from stock market trading. They are attracted to new-age technical analysis gurus. They are charging Rs.5 lakhs to Rs.15 lakhs as fees for their courses. The end result – as per their CLAIM is 95% of the traders make losses!! In other words – 95% of the students who are doing such courses are not making money!! Simple.
It’s a method of analyzing and predicting stock prices based on past market data primarily PRICE and VOLUME. So, all your conclusions are based on past price and volume data. Now, one can become an expert in reading the same. However, the person who is a so-called expert in the reading chart is not an expert on his MIND / HIMSELF, and 99% of the time he lacks the SELF KNOWLEDGE and Clarity of the PURPOSE.
What they don’t reach you in Technical Analysis Classes?
Let me share a simple example. A trader is asked to follow stop losses. Everybody knows about the same. But how many of that know follow the stop losses?
So, learning technical analysis is one thing and following the same is another thing. It’s like a warning on the CIGARETTE PACKAGE – SMOKING is INJURIOUS To HEALTH. Everybody knows but die-hard smokers are not ready to leave smoking till they die.
In my 30 years of journey as an investor and investment consultant – I have learned that those who have the trading mindset and when they learn technical analysis or any other methods for that matter – they do wonders. 95% of the people are not ready to invest time and money in developing the TRADER’S MINDSET.
Buffett and Rakesh kind of investors and traders are successful because of MINDSET and not because of FUNDAMENTAL or TECHNICAL ANALYSIS. When they have a mindset – the system is of great use but when you have not developed the mindset in the first place – following any kind of system will lead to failure only.
How to develop the MINDSET?
Normal readers get bored reading our blogs most of the time. Because 95% of our blogs are targeted at developing the mindset. Now, when readers read our blogs or any advice which tells them that they lack something to know – their ego gets hurt and they avoid reading our blogs or feel bored.
The more you are aware of your thought process / more you are aware of your SELF – you can develop your mindset fast. Let me explain this concept easily – say you are walking on a dark night and your google map is showing you the way ahead. But you don’t have the TORCH – or POWERFUL MOBILE TORCH – to make you see the way as per google.
TORCH is self-knowledge or self-awareness. Google map is your Technical Analysis. It may be right but since you are WRONG – you can’t reach to the destinations.
So, first, work on your SELF-KNOWLDGE.
How can we help in your SELF-KNOWLEDGE?
The Science of Astrology is the best science for SELF KNOWLEDGE about the current life / past lives and Future. It gives you miraculous knowledge about your MINDSETS and reasons for having such MINDSET. Once you work on the reasons for Non-Suitable MINDSET – you can move to the suitable mindset fast.
What NEXT?
Our Saturday study subject is related to the basic problems of investors/traders and we try to guide them on the same. Take advantage of the same.
Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh / WhatsApp - +91-9869425399.
Learn a Lesson. Live with Passion & Invest with Reason.
Hitesh Parikh.
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