How to Enter in the Current Volatile Market?

25th May 2022


How to Enter in the Current Volatile Market?


Dear Fellow Investors,


Namaste! Our last post on the market was very much appreciated. Readers want to go from Comfort Zone to Growth Zone. So, many have asked how to invest  in the volatile market. Let me make it very simple for you.


How do you enter your home?


Simple – open the door and enter. This is the top secret. The Door is not your home. It doesn’t have the wall. If there are walls on all the directions – you would not be able to enter that home. Am I right? So, Door is a part of your home where there is no Home. It’s gateway to your home. 


How do the BREATH ENTERS your BODY?


Through NOSE and lakhs of pores on the skin. Simple. Now, this is also an open part of the body like a door and the breath comes and goes. So, the body also have a place in the body which is not packed up by skin and muscle.


How to apply this while entering in the market?


Enter into the market – where there is no market. Market is your GREED for expected profit / FEAR for possible loss and it is always going on in your mind. When you enter the market with the hidden calculations or deep-down intentions – you are entering the Market with your own Market in your mind. 


Now your mind’s market is much small than the overall Market. It instantly comes to know about the same and you are being taken for a ride by the market without your knowledge. 


When you enter the market without your Mind’s Market – it is the best way to enter the market. 


A thief can break the door and enter or break the windows and can enter or break the wall and can enter your home. Same way, you can also enter the market like a thief. 


What is the real SHUBH MUHURAT?


As an astrologer – I keep getting request for the best time to do something. Be it marriage / home buying or various other matters. As per the Enlightened masters – The best MUHURTAT is when your mind stops. During that moment whatever you do will give you the best results. 


When mind is not there – GREED / FEAR / Expectations and all other qualities of the mind will not be there. You will be one with the existence and when you are one with the Existence – i.e. the Market – you don’t have to worry for losses. You will only get whatever is the BEST for you as per the Market. 


How NORMAL people will think on this?


This is easy to read but the most difficult to understand for the Normal Investors without proper training. This is the most advance secret of the Success in any area. Being an investor  – I use it in my area. This can be applied to any area of your choice. 


How to put this into the Practice?


This is a technology transfer. It requires that a normal investor evolves into an advance investor. Normal time for the same is 10000 hours or 3 years. If you want to grow and just grow – get this technology transferred into your mind. The way you update your mobile software, update your mind’s software. Those who are interested can contact us.


Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh /  WhatsApp - +91-9869425399 /


Learn a Lesson. Live with Passion Invest with Reason.



Hitesh Parikh.



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