The sure shot process to select the 1 multi-beggar stock out of the 10 best stocks

 5th May 2022

The sure shot process to select the 1 multi-beggar stock out of the 10 best stocks

Dear Fellow Investors,

Namaste! Who doesn’t want to make tons of money? Who doesn’t own a multi-beggar stock? I think the answers to the above two questions will be 100% yes for 100% of the readers. Today I am sharing the sure-shot process for the same. All successful investors have applied the same in their investing life. Let us understand with a story.

Appointing a head of the Ashram: -

I have heard a story in which a small ashram was built in the mountain regions of the TIBET. Once the Ashram was ready, they send the message to the main ashram to send the chief to the Ashram. The chief of the main ashram sent 10 eligible monks to head that Ashram.

The people in the main ashram asked the chief – how come you sent the 10 guys when they needed just one? Chief replied – we will talk when they reach.

After 3 weeks the message came that the one person sent by the main ashram reached the small ashram to head the same.

Now, there was a lot of curiosity about the matter. 10 had left and only 1 had reached. They went to find out the matter and found that 1st got married in the first village, 2nd became the priest of the king in the next village, 3 became the astrologer in the next village, so and so forth. So, 9 guys lost their goal and settled for something else rather than going to the new ashram as per their Guru’s dictate.

How do the most successful investors follow this?

They know this secret that however the good company they may have researched – it may not run as per their expectations, in spite of everything being good.

Rakesh had 34 companies and only 4 companies made him the Rakesh. Buffett had 215 companies and only 15 companies made him the Buffett. So, what do they do?

They allocate some funds to all the stocks in the first round. Now they keep on watching all the companies. Like the monks, some will settle for the lower levels due to their performance or other reasons. So, they will add the new capital to the winning stocks. They keep on doing this year after year, month after month without losing patience with the winning companies only.

Thanks to this they will have 80% of the investments in the winning stocks and 20% in the losing stocks or the steady stocks. When 80% of the investment multiplies over a period of time, they become Billionaires.

Money making is SIMPLE in the stock market but it is not as easy as SIP and other methods being marketed with a great fun fair.

What happens to the Small Investors?

Like the 9 monks on the way to the top – they get diverted from their goals and settle for something for everything. They lack the investment temperament/skillsets and patience. The chief missing link is that they are not ready to learn from the top performer like Rakesh or Buffett or they are not ready to appoint personal investment consultants.

If at all they appoint, they are not ready to follow them in totality. Did you see the GURU gave the order to go to the small ashram and be the chief over there to the 10 guys? But 9 guys did not follow the Guru’s order. They choose the easy over simple.

In the last 30 years of my journey as an investment consultant – I have observed the same behaviour.

1.   Those who talk about the long term in the initial phase – get panicked after two days when the market falls. They want a fast return!!

2.   Those who want to TRADE – do not follow the stop losses and became the long-term investors in the losing stocks!!

3.   Those who commit to being with us for 3 years – run away after one year.

Who losses ultimately?

Do you think the chief GURU who sent the 10 guys lost? No. He knew the end results and that’s why he sent 10 guys.

Do you think the guy who reached the small ashram and became a chief lost?

No. He became the chief in the small ashram. In the future, he will become the head of the main ashram. If at all he doesn’t become the head of the main ashram – he is on his chosen way from the beginning. He is loyal to his way and his patience will surely pay him rich dividends in the future.

Or the 9 guys lost. Yes. They may have become anybody on their way – but they lost their goals. They will never become the chief of the main ashram or the top in their spiritual path.

What Next?

Whom do you relate to the most out of the above 10 guys? Like 9 guys in the above story – 90% of the people will be related to them.

If you want to do something different – you need to think differently than the masses.

If you like our approach to investing – you are welcome to approach us.

Remember – mother of all bull run is about to start.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh / WhatsApp - +91-9869425399.

Learn a Lesson. Live with Passion Invest with Reason.

Hitesh Parikh.


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