“Winners Don’t Do Different Things, They Do Things Differently” – Shiv Khera.

30th March 2020

“Winners Don’t Do Different Things, They Do Things Differently” – Shiv Khera.

Dear Fellow Travellers,

Greetings from Hitesh! Our post on Better Suggestions than lockdown invoked strong responses. Some were in favour of our ideas and most were in favour of Lockdown. I was just reading them with a 100% open mind and trying to understand their way of thinking.

I found that BOTH the sides were RIGHT in their own way. Then questions come – Who is wrong? What is wrong? Why there is an aggression against opposite ideas?

Honest Answers to the above questions will make you a better person and better investor: -

See the situation World over is the same. You want to agree to the negative side – you have a choice and supporting reasons. You want to think about new possibilities under the same conditions – you have a choice and you can find out your own reasons to support the choice. I gave my reasons against LOCKDOWN yesterday. Mr. Amrinder Singh also thought alike and he implemented one idea to start with.

In the last 29 years – I have seen investors complaining about the negative market and sit on the fence. I have seen investors who took action in the same negative market and bought some good shares and made tons of money in the following 3-5 years. Their guts to think out of the box paid them well. Now, the guys who didn’t take actions are cursing their luck that they should have also done the investments when the market was down. But do you think they can do anything now?

E.g. Positional traders who did not buy Reliance around Rs.900, 10 days back – can they get it today? No. Today reliance is at Rs.1026. Approx. 12% up. Our clients were asked to book profit around Rs.1132 in the last week itself.  

The point is – ACTION and only ACTION will give you results. Punjab CM has taken some action today. His state will get the results of the same.  

What the SMARTEST of the INVESTORS are doing now?

They are buying their chosen shares at their own price and their own pace. This is a wonderful time for them. There is a conspiracy theory which says – China bought all the shares of Leading western companies at throw away prices in the panic selling. See, the situation is the same for all of us. They are buying and panic investors are selling as if there is no tomorrow.

What NEXT?

I suggest let us not invest our time in discussing who is  right and who is wrong without the event getting over.

For a change, I want to end this post with the lyric of BON JOVIE's famous song.

It's my life
It's now or never
I ain't gonna live forever
I just want to live while I'm alive
(It's my life)
My heart is like an open highway
Like Frankie said I did it my way
I just want to live while I'm alive
It's my life

So, its your life. You take a call.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh / WhatsApp - +91-9869425399.

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.



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