Open Suggestion to Mr. Modi ji. I have better solutions then LOCKDOWN.
29th March 2020
Open Suggestion to Mr. Modi ji. I have better solutions then LOCKDOWN.
Dear Fellow Travellers,
Greetings from Hitesh! Over the years I have observed my loss-making investors and found that they had good intentions to make money, they had money but they did not have the skill sets and mindsets to make their money work for them. When I look at Mr.Modi’s way of working – I can say that this guy has 100% genuine interest at his heart for India and Indian people. But he lacks the skill sets and vision to deal with the economic issues.
Demonetisation was the beginning. There were ways to deal with FAKE currencies and the same should have been done. As Mr. Manmohan Singh said at that time in Parliament – it was a PLUNDER of PUBLIC Money.
Why LOCKDOWN is even bigger blunder than Demonetisation?
Hindu Culture is a rich culture and we have got many stories of these kinds of worldwide issues and their solutions. Let me share a beautiful story of SAMUDRA MANTHAN from BHAGWAT.
SAMUDRA MANTHAN: - As we know the POISON came from SMUDRA MANTHAN and nobody was ready to take it. So, they requested MAHADEV to take it and MAHADEV became the SAVIOUR of the WORLD. Mahadev only got affected and all others were saved.
The same principles can be applied to this situation. I have the following ideas. If you like – make it a strong forward so that it reaches MODI Ji in time and he thinks like a winner.
1. Rather than locking us all in the house, paying the poor for their bread – why not divert that resources to making a MEGA CITY kind of place where all the affected people are taken by a helicopter and treated with 100% of government or donation money. As such you are AIRLIFITING our NRI friends. Why not CORONA patients?
2. Mukesh Bhai has the mastery in executing megaprojects and his team is also ready. Why not take their input for the same?
3. There are many cities that have no cases of CORONA in India – why you are locking them? Cover them from outside like CHINA did in WUHAN and let them carry on their production and trades.
4. We are learning LOCKDOWN from WESTERN countries – they are losers against China at this moment. Let us learn from CHINA which is a winner country at this moment. All the parts of CHINA are working except WUHAN and that is also getting back to work. We need a China model to follow.
5. In spite of having a CORONA in the country – did China locked down the total country? No. Why the hell we are doing this?
6. The biggest joke is WORK FROM HOME. Instead, make your office/factory as your home. Let them meet and work. They should not be allowed to go out and meet the affected people out of the office/factory. If they continue to work in their office/ factory – our economy will not suffer. I am surprised that such a commonsense measure can save our economic loss like anything.
7. I am surprised that visionary Mukesh Bhai has also fallen into the game and supported this idea of lockdown.
What MODI Ji is not thinking and which is more dangerous for India?
Say with 21 days lockdown – we have controlled the spread of the CORONA. Can anybody give the guarantee that CORONA will not resurrect after some time or months? At that time also we will do LOCKDOWN? Say some other VIRUS attack is done by CHINA, then?
Thanks to Demonetisation and wrong implementations of NCLT – BANKS have lost their crores in the past. Now, with this – bankruptcy will increase like anything and all the banks will have no money and all middle class like us will get wiped out of our hard-earned money. With the loan re-negotiations or NCLT – the rich are saved and middle-class savings were lost into that. Recently they saved YES banks because it was a bank of CORPORATES. They didn’t save the small bank of PMC where small depositors had money.
With LOSERS mindset – you always end up losing, in spite of being HONEST and GOOD INTENTION person.
How do I think like an astrologer at this moment?
I always tell my clients that I am a student of APPLIED ASTROLOGY. I am interested in SOLUTIONS for my client’s problems – however serious it may be. There are 12 planets and 12 signs. Say you have a problem with RAHU and VENUS (as per our yesterday’s post), I have 10 more planets and 10 more house at my disposal to guide my client.
Say you have a HEART ATTACK – will your family stop working totally? Some will be with you in hospital till your heart is repaired and others will keep on working. Mostly, the young man with jobs is asked to attend the job and seniors who have no job, remain in the hospital to give you the company. Am I right?
The Government is not ready to think out of the box. DEFENSE is not the best move always. If you follow CHINESE proverb – ATTACK is the BEST DEFENSE.
Today I see TOM DICK and HARRY coming to YOUTUBE and giving their predictions for CORONA. They are taking 26th December or December as the date.
Say a Mango tree is giving a Mango. Now there are three aspects which we know (say 3 planets). The seed / the tree and the mango. The 6 other aspects (say 6 planets) which remain hidden. If you don’t consider them for MANGO – you are not doing justice to them. We need to work on that 6 hidden forces to solve our issue of CORONA.
Same way CORONA would have been planted in OCTOBER or before and it came out in DECEMBER. Unless you explore the other details with an OPEN mind, you will act defensively.
On 6th March – we wrote about 2 important steps every investor must follow. They were DOBUT and EXPLORE. Had the government DOUBTED about lockdown measure and EXPLORED other options, the situation would have been different. Still, we have a time of 2 weeks to re-consider our decision of lockdown.
Astrological Advantage to all of us: -
Currently, most active planets like – Mars + GURU + SHANI + PLUTO are in MAKAR RASHI. MAKAR Rashi is 10th Rashi in the natural chart. It is a house of KARMA. These planets mean ACTION, ACTION and only ACTION.
If we want to take advantage of these energies – we need to WORK NOW. LOCKDOWN will not allow that. CHINA is working now and it will have the best advantage in the coming 6 months ahead of western countries and India.
If we want to take advantage of these energies – we need to WORK NOW. LOCKDOWN will not allow that. CHINA is working now and it will have the best advantage in the coming 6 months ahead of western countries and India.
Once again – not a single astrologer is talking about this cosmic advantage we are having. They should have advised to PM to take advantage of these energies. This is BAD LUCK for India, I assume.
What is my final call?
Please forward this post to as many people as possible so that it reaches to MODI JI and he takes correcting steps. Mind well, lockdown is not a solution. It is a DEFENSE mechanism. We as a country will not be able to defend it for a long time, as most people are poor. In fact, Mr. Bill Gates also said the same thing yesterday that India will find this difficult to pull on with the majority of people are poor compared to the USA. We will have ANARCHY going forward as predicted in my GURU SANKRANTI POST.
I dedicate my post to my VISIONARY ASTRO GURU and my SPIRITUAL MASTER for giving courage and input to write this open letter. Now it is your turn to do forward.
Let the common-sense prevail.
Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh / WhatsApp - +91-9869425399.
Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.
A wise and serious prediction and advise for the country's economic upliftman. Good one. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteExcel lent theory good explanation it makes sense