How do we see the market at this point of time?
4th March 2020
How do we see the market at this point in time?
Greetings from Hitesh! We had given categorical calls to our clients in FEBRUARY – “Till 10th March NEWS flows will make you think that Earth is coming to an end. There is no tomorrow. Fear will grip and negativity will be at its peak. If you are really a person of a balanced mind – buy all investment stocks at the dip in small lots. A sudden change in news flow will come to post 10th March or even before that. When news flow changes – you will have no time to buy at your price as the movement will be fast and furious.”
See the events in the market and the accuracy of our calls to our clients.
So, how do we see the market?
Buddha said the most beautiful statement – “Night is longer for the person who is awake and the road is longer for the person who is tired.”
Have you observed that during the sickness /death /accidents/emergency – you feel that time is slow. On 31st night – or any party time the night is fast. When you are sleeping NORMALLY – you feel that night has passed fast. Many times, you would have felt that – you need to sleep more as the night has passed fast. Am I right?
What happens with the NORMAL investors in such time?
Most small investors who are in the market are not trained for market volatility. They come to the market assuming an ideal situation and they go out of the market feeling cheated/lost and tired.
They keep their eyes glued to the TV/Social Media or on prices of their stocks. They become happy with the positive movement and become unhappy with negative movement.
What is the advice of BUDDHA?
“Night is longer for the person who is awake and the road is longer for the person who is tired.”
Reading above – if you are concluding that he is asking for SLEEPING or Sitting, then you are 100% wrong. What he says is that – you see DAY and NIGHT as a Cycle and stand in the middle. Buddha’s path was the MIDDLE PATH. You have to see the night and day as a cycle. Profit and loss as a cycle. Life and death as a cycle. Teji and Mandi as a cycle. When you see them as a cycle – you don’t panic in losses/night/death/ mandi. You don’t become Happy in profit/day/birth/ teji. You just see them as they are and when you see them as they are – you feel centered within them. You will have mental peace. A kind of subtle awareness within and that will give you inner guts to take advantage of the market volatility without FEAR. Buffett always says – “CASH and COURAGE are PRICELESS in the times of Crises.”
What is our call for the market going forward?
The USA reduced the rate yesterday. We had long back said that we see sudden foreign fund flow in India and market making a new high. I see that happening now with surety. The challenge will be which stocks to buy and what should be your inner talk when you buy. Remember – you can’t cheat the market or anybody. All your cheating will come on the surface when the real panic comes. So be TRUE to your inner talk and motives.
If you like our way of accuracy – be with us.
Have a great investing experience.
Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh / WhatsApp – +91-9869425399.
Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.
Hitesh Parikh
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