Advantage India - Venus in Taurus for 4 months from Today.

28th March 2020

Advantage India - Venus in Taurus for 4 months from Today.

Dear Fellow Travellers,

Greetings from Hitesh! In times of difficulties – it seems the time is passing slowly for all of us. Same way STARS are also moving slowly this year. Venus takes about 30 days to travel the sign. But this time – it is taking 4 months to travel the Taurus sign.

It enters Taurus on 28th March at 3.55 pm. Becomes retrograde on 13th May at 12.14pm and becomes Margi on 25th June at 12.17pm. It enters Mithun Rashi on 1st August. So, April / May / June and July – full four months in Taurus.

Importance of Venus for India: -

India has a Vrishabh – Taurus Lagna. Venus is the Lagna lord. When Venus comes to its Lagna Rashi – the country becomes more powerful. Lagna lord in Lagna is the most powerful raj yoga in astrology. If a person doesn’t have any other yoga except this, a person can achieve many good results in his life.

Venus + Rahu combination: -

When India became Independent – Rahu was placed in Lagna. Rahu means illusion / cheating / amplification. If we go through real history – independence was cheating. If you look at the long history of post-independence rulers – all rulers have cheated the people of India by one or the other reasons to meet their own goals.

There is a sentence in the name of Churchill which says -  Power will go to the hands of ras­cals, rogues, free­boot­ers; all Indian lead­ers will be of low cal­i­bre & men of straw. They will have sweet tongues and silly hearts. They will fight amongst them­selves for power and India will be lost in polit­i­cal squab­bles. A day would come when even air and water would be taxed in India.”

With RAHU in Lagna, our forefathers and we have witnessed the above treatment from our rulers from time to time.  

What will happen when Venus will pass from Rahu?

Rahu amplifies the qualities of the planets it sits with. It means it will exploit the VENUS in such a ruthless way – that instead of Beauty of Venus, we will see the ugliness of Venus.

If you see Venus as a Diamond (diamond is a stone for Venus) and Rahu as a Polisher – it will polish so badly that diamond will lose its luster and value. It means Diamond will become valueless. Still being RAHU – it will try to prove that this is the best diamond.

The portrait of Monalisa is the best example of Venus in Taurus in pure form. A woman in a porn movie is the example of Venus + Rahu.

While writing for yearly 2020-21 – we had categorically said that from 13th April 2020 – 60 days will be bad for the people. These 60 days are getting over on 13th June 2020.

Venus movement though from Taurus LAGNA is considered very positive as per ASTRO BOOKS. But this time it will be negative for Indian people. People will face huge financial losses due to government policies.

Venus – Jupiter – Saturn Trine: -

With the change in Jupiter on 30th – Venus will get an aspect of Jupiter and Saturn. This is the most positive aspect and India will get ADVANTAGE in terms of dealing with the issues of India. This aspect is a blessing for Money and Luxury for Indian people. This will give India a massive advantage in the world in all the areas. However, Venus being a slow planet this time – the benefits will be slow to realize for the people of India. But the benefits will come for sure.  

If you are a smart investor – use this slow pace to buy stocks of your choice for the long term.

What has happened in the past when Venus was in TAURUS for a longer period?

I have checked the history from 1900 till now. Whenever Venus was in Taurus like this time (4 months) – we have seen Volcano eruptions / Earth Quakes / Assassination of leading leader / War / Good beginning for Luxury / Movies industries. It means this time also there will be such issues. We had said that we see some good news for the Movie industry in our yearly blogs also. As such we are dealing with CORONA this time.

For investors – luxury sectors will make the best money.

Lockdown: -  

Till now Venus was in 12th house. It means we had no power to make the right decision. We didn’t stop the people coming to India till 23rd March. Thanks to them – we have got a lot of cases of CORONA.

Now, we have directly declared the lockdown of 21 days. With Venus in the 12th house of Horoscope, the people are finding it difficult to follow and they are facing all kinds of issues such as stuck on the way or not able to reach their home.

With the Venus entering into the Lagna – slowly the condition of the people will become stable. They will get used to the SLOW life. I will not be surprised to see if this lockdown period is reduced in the coming week or so.

What NEXT?

If you remain focused on PURPOSE all the time – you will see the opportunities in all the situations. The problem is not with VENUS or GURU or SHANI. The problem is with a lack of a BURNING desire for success. The smartest of the smart use ASTRO KNOWLEDGE as a tool to meet their goals. But those who do not have GOALS/Burning desires they ask me for the RIGHT TIME / RIGHT DASHA and their life gets over in waiting for that.

We use astrology for SUCCESS in Investments / Business / Relationships / Health and other goals that our clients may have and we provide them the PATHWAY in such a situation to deal with the challenges.

If you find your goals are really challenging / out of the box or out of your comfort zones – then our inputs will make your cheer.

Happy Investing.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh / WhatsApp - +91-9869425399.

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.



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