If you think CORONA will be the BIGGEST DISEASE in the coming 3 months, then you will be 100% wrong.
24th March 2020
If you think CORONA will be the BIGGEST DISEASE in the coming 3 months, then you will be 100% wrong.
Dear Fellow Travellers,
Greetings from Hitesh! All focus is on CORONA. All focus is on LOCKDOWN world-over. All are fearful due to CORONA. It is assumed that CORONA will be the major disease in the coming 3 months. I have some different thoughts. Today, some pharma companies dealing with CORONA preventive medicines are up. But we are not impressed. We have some other recommendations.
Let me share a beautiful story before that.
Once a King got an idea what will happen if we keep a young man in a palace, provide him all the best treatment with one condition that he will have to stay inside the palace, he will not be allowed to speak with anybody, he will also not see any human. He didn’t have TV / Mobile in those days.
The searched for a healthy boy and gave him this offer. If he stays for 15 days – King offered him a rich reward. The young man also became happy and willingly agreed. He was a poor fellow and getting such treatment was a dream come true to him.
For the first 2 days, he ate and slept. He was getting food and other things. From the third day, he started feeling uneasiness. The fourth day he started jumping in the room. 5th day, he started abusing the King. 6th day he broke the window of the bathroom and run away.
What will happen in current situations?
The boy was healthy, young and no family tension. We are all locked down, have family and a lot of responsibilities to think about. Now, we can’t move outside of our home. We can’t meet our friends or workers due to fear of CORONA. We will not get our money on time.
Thanks to our education system / our upbringing we have been trained to DO SOMETHING ALWAYS. If we are not doing something, we are not alive kind of mindset has been developed.
So, compared to the young man our LOCKDOWN is worst. So, I think most people world over will be hit by the depression, frustrations, fear psychosis and thing like that. We will have more and more mental diseases in the coming 3 months compared to the CORONA effect.
What is the WAY to deal with this?
Meditations are the best medication for mental disorders. But those who have not learned or practiced before CORONA, can’t do it. In fact, when you talk about MEDITATION in normal times – most guys would say, we have no time. We can’t sit for half an hour to 1 hour. Those who had developed those skills for sitting without doing anything at least for 30 minutes in the past, will find this time easy to adjust.
Where will I focus?
Corona may or may not hit everybody. But the MENTAL effect will be felt everywhere. So, my focus will be on them.
If you want to make money – you have to always think beyond obvious.
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Happy Investing.
Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh / WhatsApp - +91-9869425399.
Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.
Wow.. bull's eye