Two most important steps each investor should take while investing in Market or Life

6th March 2020

Two most important steps each investor should take while investing in Market or Life

Dear Fellow Travellers,

Greetings from Hitesh! As expected, the mayhem continues in the market. One after other negative news is coming and they are taking a toll on investors' hard-earned money. Look at the cheating in the market – in the morning Bloomberg comes and says SBI is taking a stake in YES bank. Price moves up by 20%. In the evening SBI and YES bank deny and Government announces taking over of bank and maximum withdrawable limit to Rs.50000. I am sure the GAZETTE thing can’t come just like that in a day. SEBI must look into it. The main question is Why the RANA KAPOOR, the guy who created the MESS is moving around FREE?

How small investors think at this time?

They feel cheated. They had kept the faith and their faith is taken for a ride by so-called powerful guys. This happens in the field of Religions / Politics / Law and Finance. There is nothing new. We have had a long history of such scams. Many such will come in the times to come. We will not be there but the SCAMS will be there.

Two important steps to deal with such situations

Buddha established a religion without GOD. It is another matter that now those who follow Buddhism consider BUDDHA is a GOD!! Buddha followed two steps when he went in search of TRUTH.

Explore and Doubt.  

Most religions stars with FAITH. They say you must have a FAITH to start with to reach to the GOD. Normal guys don’t have faith to start with. So, they start acting as if they have faith. Going to their religious places / listening to their respective GURUs and things like that.

But in practice - listen to their language – TRUST in GOD, BUT LOCK YOUR CAR. So, hypocrisy goes on. These guys panic the most in troubles and other challenges of their life. Normal Indian person listens to one sentence at least 1000 times in his lifetime – “Soul never dies”. Now, this guy gets panicked when actual death comes. Because deep inside this guy has a doubt about the truthfulness of what he has listened to or read.

So, religion with the FAITH to start with is ineffective for the masses. It may be 100% applicable to some special kind of persons like NANAK / MIRABAI / NARSIH METHA and persons like them.

Buddha started with DOUBT and he went on Exploring various ways and methods with 100% open mind. Buddha’s way is 100% scientific in the current set up.

How Buddha’s technology can help a NORMAL investor?

He has limited funds. He wants assured returns. He does not want to lose money. He wants to WIN in all the situations. He does not want to do TRIAL and ERRORS. He is not ready to explore when it comes to investing. He is not trained for investments. He wants FREE ADVICE. He may say he trusts but doesn’t trust his people/team in real sense.

With his qualities – the FAITH WAY is not suitable for NORMAL investors. He must honestly start with DOUBT at each step and EXPLORE. Doubt and Explore. With these two steps – he will always remain safe and vigilant about his money.

How long one should doubt?

Buddha was the most intelligent person. He says to go on doubting till you start doubting your doubt also. When a situation comes when you have terrible pain thanks to your doubting quality, you will doubt your doubt and faith will emerge slowly and gradually. This faith will be real faith and it will make you free from results of investments - losses or profit. Now, you will accept all the things as the gift from GOD/nature or existence. You will be full of gratitude for whatever is the result.

The untold secret of the above method is – when you doubt at each step – you will be AWARE all the time. When you are aware all the time – you will not make mistakes. When you don’t make mistake – loss will not come. Even if there is a loss – since you have taken actions with AWARENESS – you will not feel bad for your losses, in fact, you will be ready for it.

What NEXT?

We are approaching the festival of Colours on Tuesday. Enjoy the same with your friends and family. I wish you all a very HAPPY HOLY.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh / WhatsApp – +91-9869425399.

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh


  1. Good information...
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