Sure-Shot Penny Investment Idea. Invest Now and Earn 2020% or more.

14th December 2019

Sure-Shot Penny Investment Idea. Invest Now and Earn 2020% or more.

Dear Fellow Travellers,

Greetings from Hitesh! Readers always ask me to suggest some investment ideas so that they can take advantage of the same. Many also want the shares to be of lower price so that they can buy in good quantities. Many want it to multiply it fast. Many want it to be 100% sure shots.

Keeping all these criteria in mind, today I am sharing you one sure shot PENNY INVESTMENT IDEA. This will surely make you happy. 

Before I share my idea – let me ask you simple questions if you have been doing business/job for 5 years to 40 years. 

Normal Results: -

Normally a person starts with a salary and over a period of time, his salary moves up along with other benefits. Normally a business guy starts with a small investment in his business and moves up in the chain. If you look at the normal trend – over a period of time whatever small start you have done in your life - takes you to the bigger and better levels. 

If you look back at your career after 20-25 years – you will see that you were PENNY then and now you are a much successful person compared to the beginning. Am I right?

So, what is the best investment idea according to me?

I have always seen that investments in SELF DEVELOPMENTS are the best investments. When you start investing in SELF – it is always PENNY investments compared to the success you will get from those investments. 

Early in my life, I have been taught one simple arithmetic and I have recommended the same to many people. 

Normally as a school going kid, we have 6 subjects in the class. So, we study 6 books of 250-300 pages throughout the year. Now, if we just read any other book for half an hour a day and read just 20-30 pages, we will finish that book in 10 days. This book can be a story book or any book. May be related to your subject or your interests. For a month you will read 3 new books and for a year you will read 36 books. 

This way you will have 6 years of study (36 books) in a year. Now when you get out of the class – you will be 6 years ahead of the next guy (who has just studied the 6 subjects) MENTALLY. 

This PENNY investment has made wonders in my life and life of all the guys who followed this idea. 

Investment in learning new things / reading new things / absorbing new skill sets is always PENNY when you do compare to the benefits you will get for your life time.

What NEXT?

Learning investment will appear PENNY INVESTMENT NOW when you will look back in the future. If you like our holistic approach, join us now. I assure you will be a different person in 3 years’ time. What’s more -your return will be much more than next years’ number – 2020.  

Wish you all the best.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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