How do we see the First 4 months of 2020, based on SUN INGRESS CHART of MAKAR RASHI?
18th December 2019
How do we see the First 4 months of 2020, based on SUN INGRESS CHART of MAKAR RASHI?
Dear Fellow Travellers,
Greetings from Hitesh! In March 2019, we predicted the full year of 2019-2020. In September we talked about half-year from October 2019 to April 2020. Both have gone 100% on dot. Now we are seeing the last quarter of 2019 -2020 i.e. 15th January 2020 to 15th April 2020. Let us see what is in store for India, the Indian Stock market and the Indian public.
Sun enters the Makar Rashi on 15th January 2020 at 2.10am Mumbai time. This time is called most auspicious as SUN changes from SOUTH to NORTH. That’s why this movement is known as uttarayan.
Now, let us see the above chart.
Tula Lagna: -
For a change this year all the chart has a MOVING sign as the Lagna lord. This is very good as this shows – a lot of action. The Government will be on the move on various front. TULA is a sign of BALANCE. It means everything will get balanced in this period. All the BAD things / all the good things which have happened before 15th January, will get balanced.
( See the situation with IRAN and USA / JNU - CAA and NRC movement losing steam).
( See the situation with IRAN and USA / JNU - CAA and NRC movement losing steam).
Lagna lord is in the 5th house aspected by MOON and Shani. EXCELLENT for SHARE MARKETS!! Movie making companies / Oscar nominations / critical acclamation to our movies can be expected.
Venus is in SHATBISHA Nakshatra and aspected by RAHU. This means government plans/policies and actions will be SECRET. People will be taken by Surprise. Some LADY luck will help the GOVERNMENT.
All businesses where easy money comes will flourish.
Shani moving into 4th house: -
Lord of 4th and 5th – SHANI – which is yoga karaka for TULA Lagna will enter MAKAR RASHI and join Surya and Mercury. Combination of 9th / 11th and 4 and 5th lord in 4th house is extremely good for REAL ESTATE guys/investors in real estates/luxury good and high-end auto products selling companies. ( demand is moving up in REAL ESTATE companies).
Shani in the 4th house leads to COMPASSION by the government. SHANI and PLUTO are both at 28 DEGREE. Expect some major reforms for the poor or middle-class people. This will change the mood of overall pubic to positive towards the government.
Sun is VARGOTTAMI in the chart. It is the lord of the 11th house. Income will increase. Mercury is also VARGOTTAMI. 9th lord in 4th house is a very good placement.
Mars: -
Mars and Rahu are making degree wise combination. Mars is in SHANI Nakshatra. What’s more, MARS is in SUB LORD of RAHU. We can expect some kind of negative situation in Mid-FEBRUARY. Since Mars is in own house, it will not allow the separatist mentality guys to succeed against the government.
Jupiter is very strong in the 3rd house. This will make the government bold and courageous to take out major action and major policy decisions in the above period.
What are my Personal Understandings?
There is a saying which goes like this - "Muddai lakh bura chahe kya hota hai, wahi hota hai jo manjure khuda hota hai"..."aur khuda kabhi kisi ka bura nahi karte". I see the GOVERNMENT will emerge as the WINNER.
Way back in September 2012 – I had talked about the GOLDEN time of India from 2014 to 2032. From 2014 till now we have seen solutions of long pending and politically exploiting issues like – RAM MANDIR / Article 370 / CAB / TRIPLE TALAK / GST apart from major economic reforms at the grass root levels. This may create temporary problems but they will make strong and unified India in the long run.
If you are having SURPLUS money and wondering where to Invest – India is the destination for the coming 10 plus year.
If you want real guidance in Investing – join HITESH PARIKH without wasting time.
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Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.
Hitesh Parikh.
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