How to use the LUCK factor for your success in Life and Investments?
4th December 2019
How to use the LUCK factor for your success in Life and Investments?
Dear Fellow Travellers,
Greetings from Hitesh! It has been observed that when there is some thought-provoking post is shared – which is really useful – very few readers READ it. The normal mind avoids thinking. Those who have missed the last post on MAHAVIR – I will urge them to read it.
Now, what MAHAVIR did with the ANALYSES – Indian’s Rishis did with one SIMPLE word – LUCK / BHAGYA / DESTINY or FATE. The beauty of this word is everybody believes that they understand this word. The fact is something else.
How to use the LUCK factor?
Most guys believe that LUCK is something PREDETERMINED / Part of life / unchangeable and things like that. The cheating is – when the success comes – they will take the CREDIT and when FAILURES come – they will blame their LUCK. This is 100% HYPOCRISY and CHEATING with self. This will not lead you anywhere in life.
Before I deal with the LUCK in REAL SENSE – I want to deal with WESTERN INFLUENCE on Indian Mind: -
Thanks to the 1000 years plus GULAMI – our mind has been shaped by various thinking. The most prominent was ENGLISH RULE and ENGLISH Way of EDUCATION. The WESTERN MIND – is a mind of ATTACKER. They want to conquer all and sundry. With their attacker mentality – they have ruined NATURE in the last 300 years and today we have a lot of NATURAL CALAMITIES unseen before the year 1700.
You read WESTERN PERSONALITY COACH or attend their seminar and they will talk about making yourself RESPONSIBLE for EVERYTHING in your life. Now, when you make yourself responsible for everything – you go MAD. Naturally, they have the highest number of PSYCHOLOGY Analysts.
The western world is looting their people – first, they take money to teach something nonsense – like making yourself responsible for everything. Now to correct the MADNESS arising out of that – they send you to the PSYCHOLOGIST and make you spend money. Both the way you are a LOSER and they are winners.
What is the Indian Way?
They say experience makes the difference. Our cultures date back to 10000 years or more. In fact, the HARAPPAN study says it must be about 30000 years plus. Our RISHIS were the smartest of the lot. They gave the word LUCK.
I see the LUCK is a TECHNIQUE and not a CONFORMITY or SURETY as understood by the most guys. You think whatever happens is part of your LUCK. You do your best / you take your best efforts and you develop your best skill sets and when the results come – you give the credit to the LUCK - Good or Bad.
Most guys take LUCK as SURETY and they go for a TOSS. Their misinterpretations / wrong education in the family is responsible for their understanding.
When somebody tells them your LUCK is good, most NORMAL guys take it as a PATTHAR KI LAKIR and stop working. The right way is to work hard / try your best with the best resources and best intentions.
What happens when you believe in LUCK in TRUE SENSE?
You will accept the results as they are. You will have no complaints about the results. If somebody has done bad with you – you will take it as a part of LUCK and you will have no RESPONSIVE bad feelings against him or her. This will lead to NON-VIOLENCE in practice. This way it will lead you to the PEACE in your LIFE.
How to apply in SHARE MARKET?
Those who TRULY understand the meaning of LUCK as given above – they take a lot of efforts before they invest /
They have developed the skill sets / they have the right intentions and expectations. For them whatever comes is the GIFT of MARKET. More efforts and more awareness while doing investments means more LUCK at the end.
Buffett has just 15 scrips out of 215 which gave him superb results. You will never read that he is unhappy with the balance of 200 scrips. He is okay as long as he is making money at the overall levels.
Please take out time and read this post.
If you have no time to read 1000 books on Success read this...
If you have no time to read 1000 books on Success read this...
Please copy and paste the above link and read our detailed research on getting success. This is the master recipe for success.
What NEXT?
LUCK is the most wrongly understood right word. Use it as a technique and you will be very happy.
If you want to enhance the LUCK, we have given the LINK above. Read it and you will have food for thought. If you need personal advice, you can contact us.
Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.
Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.
Hitesh Parikh.
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