6 Planets are joining together on 25th and 26th December 2019. What it means?

13th December 2019

6 Planets are joining together on 25th and 26th December 2019. What it means for Market?

Dear Fellow Travellers,

Greetings from Hitesh! I am filled with gratitude towards the great rishis for blessing mankind with the science of astrology. I am also grateful to my guru for guiding me from within. Without the above two, it would not have been possible for me to go on DOT each time I predict.

Most guys are talking about 6 planets coming together this time on 25th and 26th December. I keep on getting questions from my regular readers to write something about these combinations.

Mind and its method to Differentiate: -

It is the basic quality of mind to see each aspect in isolation. It sees the KARMA separately and BHAGYA separately. Many guys ask me to tell them about their future when they are not ready to do anything new in the PRESENT. They are not understanding the basic principles. If you can’t change now - when you want something new or when you have issues – how your future will change on its own?

There are CHEATERS who would give them answers about what they want to listen and these cheaters will make tons of money. I am different. My total stress is on PRESENT. Because I know, the Future comes from Presents only.

Why this KNOWLEDGE now?

When I write my readings about coming events – I have already factored in all possible combinations and 6 planets have also been considered long back. But the readers don’t read them with focus.

Our two predictions which are going on 100% correct now: -

How do we see the 2nd half of 2019-2020 based on SUN I...

In this post – I had written the following.

November end to December end will see some kind of warlike events or some bad events or fire like events. But as said – the government will be able to deal with them effectively. 

If you read my post of MARCH – in which I talked about the FULL YEAR 2019-2020, the one thing which is the most positive is the powerful government in that horoscope and this is supported by half-year horoscope also. As long as the Government is powerful, we are taken care of.

How Jupiter’s transit from DHANU Rashi will affect... bestofhiteshparikh.blogspot.com/2019/09/how-jupiters-transit-from-dhanu-rashi.html?spref=tw

In this post in point number 1, this was categorically written.

1.        We will witness the events of FIRE / WAR / EARTHQUAKES / VIOLENCE – mostly in east and south directions

See the ACCURACY of our RISHIS: - 

When the above posts were written there were no talks about CAB. See the east region is on fire now. A lot of places are seeing VIOLENCE and FIRE events. In recent weeks we have seen the case of RAPE and Encounter of 4 RAPIST in South.

EAST and SOUTH are affected at this moment. Going forward till DECEMBER END – we will see many such events and they will be full of intensity thanks to the combinations of 6 planets in DHANU RASHI.

Also, those houses and offices which have EAST and SOUTH affected in VASTU, they will get negative effects to that extent.

So, without mentioning the 6 planets – we had communicated the effects categorically in our past posts. 

What it means for Individual?

When the World is affected / Country is affected – all are affected in a smaller or bigger way. Some will be affected SEVERELY and others will be affected less SEVERELY. 

The correct answer can be given only after studying your details. 

How the Market will be affected?

The market is a forward-looking phenomenon. It always discounts the future in present moments. The coming event is BUDGET and it is expected to be good for the MIDDLE class this time. The market is expecting DEMAND PUSH measures from the next budget. In that scenario – it will be VOLATILE. Moreover, 25th is a HOLIDAY. Last week of the year the most FII FUND MANAGERS are also in VACATION MOOD. So, I don’t see any major effect on the market – positive or negative.

What NEXT?

Present Moment is the biggest PRESENT in anybody’s life. Use it to get what you want in the future. If you need our help in that – please approach us.

I wish you all the best.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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