Hidden Agenda of Mukesh Ambani may take Reliance Share price to Rs.3000.

19th December 2019
Hidden Agenda of Mukesh Ambani may take Reliance Share price to Rs.3000.
Dear Fellow Travellers,
Greetings from Hitesh! The last three posts were written about 2020. We have given enough food for making tons of money if you read our post with Common sense and Sense of Urgency. If we assume that we all have Common sense by default, then one habit which separates Millionaires and Billionaires is Sense of Urgency.
What is Sense of Urgency?
You want everything NOW. Not in some future date. My business guru became a billionaire and his friend remained millionaire. They both started together. Both have the same business. Both are well respected in their area. Both had the same family background. Both were 10th Fail. But when I look at their life – as shared by them – the one quality which separates my business guru from his Friend was Sense of Urgency.
How it Works?
Say you have 10 things in your TO DO LIST today morning. Now, you start approaching them one after another. Most guys will evaluate their decision based on COST to the BENEFIT ratio. Fewer costs and more benefits are NORMAL mind thinking. This is common sense, you may say. In the process of getting the best price – you lost the full day and at the end of the day, you could finish just 5 works. I see many of my friends wasting their precious time in finding the BEST DEAL online. When I point out to them – they say they were FREE so they were doing that.
The next day you have 10 to-do lists of that day plus 5 pending to-do list of the yesterday. This keeps on accumulating and one day you decide you will not do ANY. How many times you have deleted unread emails or messages based on such thinking? In the process, you have missed something which could have added to your growth towards billionaire status.
What my GURU did was simple – he would pay Rs.500 for the work which could have been done in Rs.100. But his only condition is that it must be done NOW. His focus was not on COST. His only focus was on Growth. Thanks to this attitude he would finish his work in a one-hour flat. This will give him the time of 7 hours to do nothing (assuming he is working for 8 hours).
These 7 hours is his THINKING TIME / PLANNING TIME / CHOOSING THE RIGHT PERSON FOR EXECUTION TIME. I see most guys do not have 30 minutes' time to do nothing in their TO DO LIST. Thanks to his thinking – the next day when he gives his work to his employees or his consultants – he would be getting more benefits in spite of paying Rs.500 for Rs.100 work.
How NORMAL person uses a SENSE OF URGENCY?
They use it in MEDICAL cases mostly. When somebody is sick / have severe pains due to some issues / have some severe health issue – our guy becomes PANIC and he goes into EMERGENCY MODE. State of PANIC is the only way he will go into the EMERGENCY. Most doctors know about this trait. They will make a POKER FACE to the patient and tell them that they should do this and this operation NOW.
In PANIC Mode he will not think about FEES. His focus is to save his dear ones NOW. For that, he is ready to do ANYTHING. He will not go for online shopping for the CHEAPEST HOSPITAL / NEGOTIATION with DOCTORS. He will borrow money / sell gold/beg to pay the fees and get his dear ones OKAY.
Frankly, we all know what is the SENSE of EMERGENCY. We would have applied it also in some PANIC situations as mentioned above.
If you want to GROW FAST – you need to have a SENSE of EMERGENCY as one of the most important HABIT in day to day life.
How SENSE of EMERGENCY GUYS gets the best price by default?
This is PARADOX. There are two aspects of the same. First, when you do it NOW, you are FREE for the DAY and you spend time planning your future moves. When you are planning future moves with 100% FREE MIND – you will figure out the best guys who can do it your work at the cheapest rate and NOW. So, when you approach the next day – you know what he will demand and what you will get. When you are prepared – you will negotiate well without fail. So, you will get a better deal.
Second – NORMAL guy focuses on PRICE to pay NOW to decide whether he will do or not. Billionaires decide TIME he will save NOW to decide whether he will do or not. Life is limited for all. In 70 years, billionaires finish most work while NORMAL guys keep waiting for the best price. Growth is the reward of FINISHING your work.
What is Mukesh Ambani doing since 2007?
He could not think alone to create and run such a big empire. He had his THINK TANK of 500 people. They were paid only to THINK and PLAN. His only goal was to become NUMBER 1 in whatever he does.
Just see the meticulous planning of JIO. How it has taken everybody for a ride? He paid Rs.14000 Crs just for the company who got the license. He waited for 5 years to launch the services and in just 2 years – he bankrupted all the competitors. This can’t be done without a lot of thinking and planning. So, when he was paying in CRORES to his employees just to think, he was preparing for his growth in BILLIONS.
He was the 14th richest man in 2007 in the world as per FORBES with USD 20 Billion as his NET WORTH. Today he is worth USD 61 Billion as per the FORBES LIVE BILLIONAIRES list. He has grown 3 times when Reliance shares have not given any return in the last 10 years. Reliance was quoting at Rs.3000 something from 2007 to January 2008. Today after a bonus the price is Rs.3200 approx.
He would want to become NUMBER 1 in the world. Today JEFF BEZOS is number one with USD 111 billion. Mukesh Amban has USD 61 Billion. He can easily cross JEFF if Reliance share prices double from here.
What we had said about HIM while reading his horoscope in FEB 2019?
We had said that HE will make good money from SHARES from September 2019 onwards. See the price jump in Reliance shares from September onwards. Now, there are talks of the JIO issue coming. What will happen to the HIS RANKINGS post issue?
Am I recommending RELIANCE SHARES?
If you are thinking like that – you are 100% wrong. You have missed the post. I know you might have read this post to get some quick money. But before you jump and buy reliance shares – just think, his net worth tripled from 2007 to 2019 when reliance price did not move at all.  
I am recommending to DEVELOP a SENSE OF URGENCY in whatever you do. If you are not having this quality – you will end up NORMAL.
This is the 100% right question. Most normal guys give the following dialogue – LET ME THINK / Let me figure out / let me talk to my wife-husband-father-mother- son- daughter / let money comes and we will invest / this is not my priority at this moment / I will let you know. All these dialogues lead to DEGROWTH or Slow Growth in your career by default.
But if GOD comes and tells you that – TODAY is the LAST DAY of your LIFE, what will you do?
Steve Jobs used to ask – if today is the last day of my life, what should I do? His question made the magic in his life and his company. Apple is worth USD 1.24 Trillion today.
Unless you consciously ask this question to yourself daily basis with 100% honesty to yourself – you will NOT GROW in 2020 and beyond.
What NEXT?
If GROWTH is your goal, be with us in 2020 and beyond. Approach us now for personal and investment guidance.
I wish you a great 2020.  
Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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