Success Mantra For 2020 in Investment and Life – Something you must not miss to read.
24th December 2019
Success Mantra For 2020 in Investment and Life – Something you must not miss to read.
Dear Fellow Travellers,
Greetings from Hitesh! We are in the last week of 2019. I thank you all for being my regular reader in 2019 and sending me feedbacks/appreciations and questions. I feel happy when somebody shares his success story and he gives some credit to us for our blogs. This motivates us to write more.
The most puzzling observation is when you know you should be taking care of your health/wealth and relationships, but you are not taking care of the same. These are the three important things which give HAPPINESS to us in our day to day life. Still, 90% of the issues/problems and challenges come from these three areas only.
Say somebody knows he should walk/follow the diet / go to the gym / go for yoga for better health. Now in spite of this knowledge, he is not able to do any of the above things.
As a kid, our parents have told us to spend less than we earn and save the balance for emergencies. But many guys are living on loans only, in spite of having a better income. The current scenario is - more the income, more the loan. Something very puzzling.
My guru had shared the secret of the same in his unique style. I am sharing the same for the benefit of all my readers. I am sure, if you understand just this much – your situations will change with immediate effect.
“Karma is a mind-set and you cannot change it with behaviour modification. Karma belongs to the soul and unfolds in time. The most important method for removing karma and effecting lasting change is the performance of rituals.”
Read above as many times as possible. I will take one life at a time for better understanding.
1. Karma is a mindset and you cannot change it with behaviour modification
Many will make new year resolutions for physical fitness on 31st. Say from 1st January, I will go for a morning walk. Now, as you know, this resolution will change from the 2nd day only. When the ALARM rings on 2nd Jan, you will say – will go from tomorrow and put it off and go for sleep again.
Say somebody got a Diabetes and doctor recommended some diet. This guy will stop eating SWEETS for some days and then he will go back to his original behaviour of eating sweets.
You can visualize many such situations and you might also have observed many such cases in your life or in your family members/friend’s life. Am I right?
So, by just changing your behaviour – you will not be able to change your issues or your destiny.
2. Karma belongs to the soul and unfolds in time.
You are your behaviour or your soul is your behaviour. Something deep within will encourage you or discourage you from your progress. Unless you deal with that deep within, your situations will not change.
Just changing behaviour will not change your inner core and when inner core does not change – you will not have consistency in your performance in your chosen area.
3. The most important method for removing karma and effecting lasting change is the performance of rituals.
Rituals are actual experiences done with awareness. Indians are aware of the word RITUAL. They would have done many. Let me share one single example of marriage.
We take 7 rounds around the fire in the presence of Purohit and Relatives before taking a final marriage oath. Now, what happens due to that? It changes the mindset of the couple. In normal circumstances, they would not have removed the clothes in front of each other – but thanks to marriage ritual – they believe that they belong to each other and they can be together without feeling shame. The presence of Purohit and Relatives – reinforces their belief about their partnership and stops them when they want to revoke their relationships.
The other name for RITUAL is EXPERIENCE. Unless you experience deep PAIN from WITHIN – you will not change for good. Deep Pain from some situations or some relationships is your experience (not information). When you feel that – you will not try to change but you will CHANGE automatically. Say you keep a hand on burning match stick. Will you try to remove it or just remove your hand as fast as possible? I am sure you will remove it ASAP.
How rituals play a role in Astrology Remedies and Vaastu Remedies?
Brighu rishi was the most visionary and wise person. He knew the working of the HUMAN mind very well. He prescribed many rituals for ASTROLOGICAL remedies. Rishis after him followed the method. The same thing is still valid in the digital age. Unless and until you go through the pain of doing ritual – your situations will not change.
How will be your 2020?
If you want to know it casually – read any newspaper or online predictions for your birth date/birth sign. This will give you temporary happy feelings and the next day you will forget what you read.
But if you have a genuine dream/goal to achieve or issue to deal with and you want accurate guidance for the same – you can approach us.
Have a GREAT ENDING of 2020.
Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.
Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.
Hitesh Parikh.
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