What could be George Soros next step? Disadvantage Indian Government

 3rd March 2023

What could be George Soros next step? Disadvantage Indian Government

Dear Fellow Travelers,

Namaste! Yesterday we burst the myth that TRADING is BAD for LOGEVITY of life and INVESTMENT is GOOD. The legendary trader who is still active at the age 92 is Mr.SOROS. Today, with the help of astrology, I am trying to foresee his next move. His date of birth is 12th August 1930. He was born in Budapest, Hungary.

ADANI / SOROS or HIDENBURGE are the poster boys. Behind them real powers are playing.

In the movie ENTER THE DRAGON the ABOTT gives following advice to BRUCE LEE.

“The enemy has only images and illusions behind which he hides his true motives. Destroy the image and you will break the enemy”.

The same way we have to see the hidden power beyond the poster boys.

Have you seen the ADANI is practically saved from all the troubles he might have faced if he was not ADANI!! System has cleared the way for ADANI to pay back to the BANKS before time or as per the time and create a good name for the Governance. Banks did not sold his shares even after the price was below 25% of the top. Do you think, this can happen without the support of the system?

The same way George Soros and Hindenburg are tips of the ice berg. Behind them the real person is hiding. Since we don’t know the person behind them – we had assumed the USA. So, while reading this post – keep the larger perspective in MIND and not just SOROS. Soros may or may not be there tomorrow but the USA’s interest are permanent.

Soros Birth Chart: -

Soros is born on 12th August 1930 in Budapest. I don’t have the time so I will go with the Kalpurush horoscope for my study.



Unique points of the above horoscope and its effect on SOROS life: -

1.   Exchange of SUN / MOON / SATURN / JUPITER and MERCURY.  Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury have ownership of 2 houses each and Sun and Moon have 1 house each. It means 8 houses are interconnected and this is making a very powerful RAJ YOGA.

Thanks to the above – he has been blessed with the intelligence, accurate execution, strong mind and government support. He has done tons of donation due to the above combination to various religious institutions.


This is the most deadly combination for Intelligence, Imaginations, Selfish and Cunning person. This guy has gone to any extent to achieve his goal. For him to get the opposite person or country to act as per his dictate is the main goal. He is the least interested in the other person's losses or the long lasting effect on the country or a group of people. When NEPTUNE joins the above 3 planets there are always HIDDEN SCAMS or TRUTHS which people will never come to know.

3.   Major actions in his life: -  

During 1961 to 1966 he started his career and made the mark of himself as a fund manager. Jim Roger was his partner during the later period. He has shown a new way to earn money at that time. The proof of the above combination in his horoscope.

During 1990 to 1996 he has brought down the BANK OF ENGLAND and in 1997-98 he took his bet against ASEAN countries. He will be remembered in the history for his trade against pound in 1992.

Period from 2020 to 2025. This is the period in which he is taking his bet on INDIA.

The common link in all the above period is SATURN was in MAKAR – KUMBHA and MEENA RASHI. He becomes destructive when SATURN turns retrograde, particularly in MAKAR RASHI. When SATURN gets support from RAHU and MARS – he becomes super arrogant and demanding. I have compared his life’s events with the horoscope so far. Since average reader may not be interested – I am going ahead with likely scenario in future.

What will be his probable action?

Saturn is entering into SATBHISHA Nakshatra on 16th March. Guru will combine with RAHU in Mesh Rashi.  Saturn will become retrograde in June 2023.

Soros has natal Rahu in Mesh Rashi and transit Rahu is also passing from Mesh rashi. Saturn is making 3-11 relationship with Rahu. When Jupiter joins the RAHU in APRIL – he will become super active.

From a larger perspective April 2023 to October 2023 – he will make his moves and they will be difficult for the Indian Government to counter them.

Modi ji has been invited by the BIDEN government in white house later in the year 2023.

I see the meeting will be used to negotiate some deals with MODI JI with an ARM TWIST kind of situations at that time. If BIDEN is still the PRESIDENT at that time, I see MODI JI will have to do tough negotiation at that time.

The USA always act in the last when the situations have gone out of the hand. Look at the recent visit of BIDEN in UKRAINE. After burning the UKRAINE for one full year – they are still trying to get something more from it. This is the USA mindset.

Soros is product of the USA thought process. So, see the SOROS from the larger USA interest point of view. Since he has already earned a BAD NAME in the past – it’s easy to use him by the USA.

What NEXT?

Indian market has jumped by 900 points on FRIDAY. This is the first FRIDAY closing in up since many Fridays in the last 2-3 months. BJP has emerged as a stable power in NORTH EAST elections. ADANI issues are side tracked for the moment. Focus on money making. If you want to make tons of money in the next financial year – do approach us now. 

Ideally, take astro guidance for the coming year and plan your new year perfectly.

Have a great money making new financial year.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh /  WhatsApp - +91-9869425399.

Learn a Lesson. Live with Passion Invest with Reason.


Hitesh Parikh.


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