3Ps of PRASHANT JAIN V/s. 3Ps of PC SORCAR –what is your choice?

 7th March 2023

3Ps of PRASHANT JAIN V/s. 3Ps of PC SORCAR –what is your choice?

Dear Fellow Investors,

Namaste! Thanks a ton for appreciating our post on REVENGE by Modi Ji. I have received words of appreciation from various groups of readers. Today I am taking another interesting subject. Prashant Jain and PC SORCAR both are well known. Both are successful. Both have their name starting with P. Both give their respective business philosophy with 3 letters of P.

What is PRASHANT JAIN’s philosophy of 3Ps?

He gave his investment essence - 3Ps - Prudence, patience and performance. "If you invest prudently, if you are patient, the performance may take time but in the end the outcome is quite good".

This is the belief of PERFECT INVESTOR. He wants everything to be perfect. He is ONLY PROFIT oriented investor.

Tons of books and scriptures are written on doing RIGHT THINGS / follow right rituals / speak right. There are MOTIVATIONAL GURUs who are teaching us the right way to do things / positive thinking. There are religious gurus who are advocating to follow the respective rituals of the religions in the PERFECT way.

In short – they are PERFECTIONIST.

Being PERFECT HUSBAND / WIFE / SON / DAUGHTER / DAUGHTER IN LAW / SON IN LAW is highly appreciated in the world we live in today.

It seems from the day child is born – the parents / schools and society starts their work on him to make him perfect.

Now, if everybody is trying to be perfect – how come there is some much losses in investing and anarchy in the world today?If the market and system is PERFECT as we are made to believe - there should not be WAR at all.

The answer is they are ONE SIDED. They are not TOTAL.

Have you seen TOP PERFORMER in any AREA retires when they are at the top of their performance? They are afraid of failures. They are not TOTAL.

What is PC SORCAR’s Philosophy of 3Ps?


His focus is not on PERFECTION / PERFORMANCE or PRUDENCE. He is only focused on PRACTICE.

The beauty of PRACTICE is – when you practice sometime you are able to PRACTICE in a good way, sometime bad way and sometime average.

This is an approach of TOTALITY. You are not selecting only good or only bad. You are selecting TOTAL. When you are TOTAL – you avoid the pressure of doing only PERFECT / only RIGHT or ONLY PROFIT. When the pressure of making only profit goes away – you improve as an investor by default.

Since the focus is on PRACTICE in any area – performance improves by default in those areas.

Why PERFECTION is not possible naturally also?

Perfection is unnatural while totality is natural. Don’t believe me. Just look at our body. Our body is TOTALITY at its best. We have two ends – input and output. Both exists in the same body.We love inputs and we are disgusted by seeing the output.

Perfectionist will focus on the upper part / face of the body to decide the beauty of the person. While totality oriented person will focus on the total body. Have you seen DOCTORS many time goes for FULL BODY checkup before they come to their diagnosis? Have you observed some picky health conscious people have the highest probabilities for sickness?

Since your BODY is total – the intelligence and mind inside your body will not be successful for a long time if they chose to be PERFECT. They will have to be TOTAL ultimately.

What NEXT?

If you are an investor who loves only PERFORMANCE or PROFIT – you will have a very short life as an investor. Buffet is ready to ride the market in its totality and that’s why he is the most successful investor in our time and active at age 92. Totality increases the career span by default. 

At destiny management our word for TOTALITY is HOLISTIC approach. We consider everything together and not just the performance.

Make your choice.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh /  WhatsApp - +91-9869425399.

Learn a Lesson. Live with Passion Invest with Reason.


Hitesh Parikh.


  1. TNX very true & yes totality will give good perfect profitable results in life


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