The common factor behind the rise of Chandragupta, Nehru, Modi, and Kejriwal.

 27th March 2022

The common factor behind the rise of Chandragupta, Nehru, Modi, and Kejriwal.

Dear Fellow Travellers,

Namaste! One quality is a must if you want to grow up in the field of investments or in your business or your job. Without this quality – all your MBA/CA is useless. Now, just see the above list – all the above persons were/are existing in the various time period. What is the common link between all of them? They have grown to power due to one common factor apart from other personal qualities. Have you observed that? If you have the quality of OBSERVATION – you can immediately tell me the answer.


Behind all of the above people – there is/was an equally great BALD man was there.

1.   Chanakya behind Chandragupta

2.   Gandhi Ji with Nehru.

3.   Amit Shah with Modi

4.   Manish Sisodia with Kejriwal.

All these guys were/are GANJA.

What is the MAJOR reason for GANJA PAN?

As per Ayurveda – PITTA DOSH is responsible for GANJA PAN. When I went into detail – I came to know that the person with PITTA can do the following things in the best possible way.

Pitta People are usually Scientists, Researchers, Progressors, Analysts, Investors, Lawyers, Politicians, or Soldiers. They are good leaders and defenders of their opinions. They have brave and pioneering spirits and good concentration and a natural ability to penetrate deep into the very essence of the problem of the topic. They are usually educated intellectuals with clear minds and natural intelligence. They are often gifted with a certain inner insight and therefore they can be good consultants.  

What is a common link between Hitesh Parikh and the above-mentioned people?

Hitesh Parikh is also GANJA. I am blessed with the Natural Baldness thanks to Pitta. If you are a reader of my blogs – you can verify all the above-mentioned qualities in my writing. In the last 30 years of my journey as a consultant – I have got a lot many sincere followers and I have seen the miracles happening in their life when they have followed inputs as given to them.

What NEXT?

The NEW FINANCIAL year is about to START. If you also want to run ahead fast in the race of investing or life, you will need ONE GANJA as a TEAM MEMBER.

If you like my skillsets and other qualities as mentioned above, you can approach me.  

I wish you all the best.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh / WhatsApp - +91-9869425399.

Learn a Lesson. Live with Passion Invest with Reason.

Hitesh Parikh.


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