How do we see the coming times in the market and in life?

 29th March 2022

How do we see the coming times in the market and in life?

Namaste! Yesterday’s post was fun to read and many of the readers wrote – “That’s why I chose you” and many of the BALD readers wrote – # Me Too. It was fun with the facts of having a BALD person in your team for success.

We have some sure-shot advice for those who are worried about the Market / War ending and other future-related issues.

What is the WAR actually against?

Read the hidden agenda behind the war.

How long the WAR kind of scenario will remain?

We have given the timeline for the various war-like situations.

What will be the market in coming 30 months?

Why did World War - 3 will not take place NOW?

When will World War take place?

Dates around which you should be ALERT: -

You can click on the link below the given question and read the answer.

All of the above are 100% FREE Guidance. All you need to do is to read them with an open mind.

Accuracy is our specialty. If you want accurate personal guidance, you can approach us.

Have a Great March End.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh / WhatsApp - +91-9869425399.

Learn a Lesson. Live with Passion Invest with Reason.

Hitesh Parikh.



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