How to find the right investment Opportunities considering the challenges in the coming time?
29th March 2022
How to
find the right investment Opportunities considering the challenges in the
coming time?
Dear Fellow
Namaste! Readers have
appreciated our efforts to list our blogs as per the questions they have about
the WAR / MARKET or Negative events. Yesterday there was major bad news from
ITALY in terms of 90000 new cases of BA.2 virus recorded in just 2 days. In
France also the cases are increasing. Yesterday was the first negative day as
per the dates shared in our blogs.
What is
special about coming time?
On 11th
January 2022 – we wrote the post way ahead of time about the RAREST EVENT
of the 21st Century.
We had asked our
readers to prepare for the coming time in the 90 days starting from 11th
January to April. Many had taken initiative to follow us. Many are still
waiting for the right time.
This is a 360-degree
change. E.g. Facing a lockdown in 2020 was out of the box suffering for most people. Very few could have imagined the same. So, you can’t logically
plan for the same. You will need a lot of VISION and GUTS to see the changes and
take action ahead of the market. From our side, we are telling all our readers
the same things.
Those who don’t have
these two qualities – they will need 3 other qualities. All they can do is
remain flexible/open-minded and alert to the opportunities coming up by the events
in the collective destiny. The above 3 qualities are the backside of the coin
called Vision and Guts.
We are headed for 5D
instead of 3D. Your intelligence and smartness will not work in 5D. You will
need PRAGYA. PRAGYA is a quality of SOUL. 5D is going to be operative from
The difference
between 3D (Intelligence) and 5D (PRAGYA) – MILK and GHEE. Milk has GHEE hidden
in it, but once the GHEE is made – there is no MILK in it.
So, you will need a lot of FORWARD thinking about the changes coming.
But one thing is
sure – those who pick up the right investment ideas – will make tons of money
faster than the rest of the pack.
WISDOM can help you all on your way to the Billions?
We are working on
all 5 factors of success for holistic success and happiness in our lives
and investment experiences.
The five factors of success
given by LORD KRISHNA in Gita are – Your Vastu / Yourself / Your resources/ consultants
and technologies/ Your abilities to use them and Your LUCK.
We suggest to all our clients - work on all of them SIMULTANEOUSLY for guaranteed success.
Those who work on
all of the above 5 factors – they don’t have to go for the opportunities.
Opportunities come to them. Just try yourself and see it.
It's like when your eyes are repaired - you can see the world around you. The problem was with your eyes and not with the World. In the same way, those who work on the 5 factors will get the vision of opportunities around them.
We are entering into
the new financial year from 1st April and on 2nd April
there is a most auspicious day of GUDI PADVA. Coming 9 days from the Gudi Padva
is a CHAITRI NAVRATRI. So, the coming 10 days are the most auspicious to work on all
the 5 factors.
If you need our help
for holistic guidance – you are welcome to approach us.
Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh / WhatsApp - +91-9869425399.
Learn a
Lesson. Live with Passion & Invest with Reason.