Only One Quality of Krishna – if you follow – Success and Happiness will be yours for a lifetime and beyond.


12th August 2020

Only One Quality of Krishna – if you follow – Success and Happiness will be yours for a lifetime and beyond.

Dear Fellow Travellers,

Namaste! I wish you all a very happy Krishna Ashtami. Today is a special day for all those who are in love with Krishna. Today is his Birthday. Krishna is the only God who is worshipped at all the stages of his age – like a Kid / Teenager / Young Man / Strategist and Old Man. Depending on the mental stage and need of the Devotee, they worship him.

The most common link in all the stages of his life – he has followed one quality without FAIL. If you just master it – which is very easy and don’t need any GURU – you can have tons of success and happiness in your life now and beyond life.

Let me share some incidence of Lord Krishna’s role in Mahabharat war and explain to you his quality.

He said GEETA to Arjun and explained to him the DHARMA. But during the war, he did the following. So-called intelligent people or logical people have criticized him for these actions. They feel that Krishna preached something and practiced something else.

Let me share some of his incidences before I deal with the secret.

1.   He said he will not pick up any weapons in the war but he took the Wheel of Chariot and went to hit BHISHMA.

2.   He asked Yudhishthira to say – ASHWATHAMA is killed to Guru Dhron.

3.   He asked ARJUN to kill KARNA when he was weaponless and trying to remove the Wheel of Chariot from the ground.

4.   He kept Sikhandi ahead of Arjun and asked Arjun to kill Bhishma. Sikhandi was a woman turned into MAN – and Bhishma would not hit on a woman as a rule.

5.   He asked Bheema to kill Duryodhana by hitting on his Thighs.  

If you read his life – you will find that he was not consistent, at least as per normal intellectual people.

How NORMAL people have been BRAINWASHED over the centuries to exploit them by vested interest in Religions and Politics?

The Chanakya of West - Nicolo Machiavelli, an Italian Diplomat in the early 16th Century, in his famous book “The Prince”, has given the guiding principle for the top guys.


“Preach and talk about Morality/Honesty/ Integrity/Hard work and Principle-Centered life to the normal people in your state. Make them follow all of the above. You also appear doing the same, but in reality……do the opposite!!”

Look at all the politicians and you will find that they are true followers of Machiavelli.

In the area of Religion – there are originally MANU SMRITI RULES for Hindus and there are 10 commandments of Moses for Western/Middle east people. Various religious pandits have come with various rules as per their interpretations of their SPIRITUAL MASTERS' sayings or life.

What they are doing with MASSES is to manage them with their RULES. There are Punishments in terms of HELL and Rewards in terms of HEAVEN for wrong and right doers, respectively. Most people are managed with these rules, irrespective of their religion.  

If you look at this way – the so-called independent person is not independent because he is made to follow this. 99.99% of the people follows the religion of their parents, their parents follow their parents’ religion and things go like that. So, the average ADULT person has not chosen his Religion. He is dependent.

Look at the hypocrisy of RAKESH – he is making billions in Stock Market and he is asking small investors to invest through mutual funds. His logic – normal investors don’t have the expertise to pick up investments like a fund manager. He was a normal investor in 1987!! He learned it hard way – let small investors also learn it hard way. He wants small guys to become PUPPET in the hands of FUND MANAGERS. The height comes when HNI people who can have their own investment office or investment consultant invest in Mutual funds. This is the effect of the brainwashing.  

Why KRISHNA’s quality is more relevant today then in the past?

If you want to be independent in true sense / if you want to make tons of money or if you want to gain happiness – one quality I learned from Krishna is to live with AWARENESS all the time.

He was 100% aware when he told GEETA. When he gave other suggestions to kill the enemies – he was 100% aware. A person with AWARENESS will never be consistent in a NORMAL way. He is the most consistent person but for NORMAL mind he is the most inconsistent.

A new moment is a new gift of existence to you. If you are living a NEW MOMENT with OLD BELIEFS or Old behaviours, you are not doing justice to the new moment.

If you really want to be honest – you have to live MOMENT to MOMENT. Another name for living Moment to Moment is – living with awareness.

How to apply Krishna’s rule in Investments?

If you don’t want vested interest and big guys to take you for a ride – don’t listen to them. Just watch them what they are doing with their money. Are they investing in Mutual Funds? Are they investing in ETFs? Have you ever seen a person becoming a Billionaire by investing in Mutual Fund, except the Fund Manager or the fund house owner company?

The funniest aspect is – you know the TRUTH. But still, you are following the RAT RACE. Somebody had told – if you win the Rat Race – you will still remain a Rat only.

If you decide to live with AWARENESS from today onwards – you will never be taken for a ride by them.

Krishna is aware all the time. Awareness will bring life to the moment. When all your moments are filled with LIFE – your life becomes a JOY. You will not have to go to a BAR / MOVIE in search of HAPPINESS. You will live with happiness all the time.

Don’t believe me. Just try first and then share your experience with me, if you wish.

My Namaste to all Krishna Lovers.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.


Live With Passion…Invest With Passion. 


Hitesh Parikh.


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