How do we see Second Half of the year 2020-21 based on Sun Ingress Chart of Tula Rashi?


25th August 2020

How do we see Second Half of the year 2020-21 based on Sun Ingress Chart of Tula Rashi?

Dear Fellow Travelers,

Namaste! Market at 6 months high. Nifty crosses 11500. How many of your media experts had vision and guts to predict Nifty above 12400 levels before 30th September on 2nd May 2020? May God Bless you, if you still want to follow them.

In yearly post, originally written in February 2020, we talked about issues from neighbouring countries in June and July. Did you see China bothering us since that time?

We guild holistically on all areas – personal / corporates and country. Take advantage of our skill sets and take your life to the next level.

Today I am dealing with the Second Half of the year 2020-21. Starting from 17th October 2020 to 13th April 2021. This time also I am writing at least 55 days ahead of the events.

We re-shared our yearly view written about full-year 2020-21 yesterday morning. If you have read – you would have got the birds-eye view of the year.

Another reason to relook the horoscope is all the major planets will change in September 2020. Guru and Shani will become MARGI and Rahu will enter Vrishabh Rashi. All three are major planets and their effects are to be taken into account for their exact impact.

Sun enters Tula Rashi at 7.06 am Mumbai time on 17th October 2020. The day is Saturday.




Lagna and Lagna Lord: -

Tula Lagna is a moving sign or CHAR Lagna. It means we can expect FAST actions in all the areas. Lagna is occupied with Ravi / Chandra and Mercury. It means there is a lot of action at the top levels during this time.

Lagna lord Venus is in 11th house in Simha Rashi and Simha Rashi lord Sun is in Tula Rashi ie. Lagna. This is a very powerful Exchange of places – known as Parivartan yoga. Moreover, Venus is aspected by Jupiter. This is a very strong position for the country and leaders of the country as they will have ample support from friendly countries and well-wishers. This will support India to come out of all the issues in the second half.

Mercury being a friend of Venus and Lord of Bhagya sitting in Lagna is very positive but Mercury is Retrograde and also the 12th lord. It means Country and people will suffer due to a lack of timely decisions by the Government. 

Overall, situations will be positive for India and Indian People.  

Mars + Rahu + Neptune + Pluto + Guru are degreecally together: -

Mars is lord of 7th house. It is retrograde and sitting in 6th house. Mars is also lord of 2nd house. Around 11th October- Sun would have also made a combination with all of the above planets degreecally. 7th house is occupied by Harshal and Mars will conjunct Harshal in November end to December 1st half. This will lead to the following events.

This indicates a situation like WAR with neighbouring country or some local community-related issues or natural or manmade calamities. This also indicates that Opposition parties will play their worst role to affect the ruling parties. One thing is very sure – we will have a lot of activities related to the above events without fail.

Worldwide also, major negative events as mentioned above will take place without fail.

Guru is aspecting 7th house / 9th house / 11th house and Lagna Lord Venus. This is the Godsend saving grace for India and Indian leader from October 2020 to April 2021.

 2nd house is occupied by Ketu and Lord Mars is retrograde sitting in the 6th house. It means we will have issues related to Liquidity / Internal relationships / political party’s equations all will change during this time.

Shani in 4th house: -

Shani is making Rajyog known as SASHA yoga. This may bring very far-reaching and long-term reforms in the matter related to real estate and land. Rahu and Shani are making trine – it means a lot of corruption or under the table deals will take place once the reforms are announced.

Shani is aspecting Lagna also. Along with Mercury, this will be able to slow down the pace of Government actions in various areas.

Shani is aspecting Mars in the 6th house and this will also add fuel to the negative events mentioned in the earlier parts.

Shani is aspecting 10th house and lord of 10th house Moon also. This will slow down the economy and business sentiments will be affected.

Shani is also Lord of 5th house sitting in 4th house. I see 2 sides volatility in the market. This period may bring positive news for Restaurant / Hotels / Tours - Travel / Movies / Real estate and Luxury goods Industries. Banks and Financial companies will be affected negatively during this period. I am talking about the performance of the businesses and not the PRICE movement of the shares.

Will have a lot of new initiatives in Education policies and the way we educate our children in school. While writing about RAHU, we had already said this and the Government has already come with the new policy. I see further up-gradation and progress in that direction.

Shani is also the day lord. It means all wrongdoers will have to be alert.  

Rahu: -

Rahu in the 8th house will try to bring obstruction in the progress. Rahu is also aspecting 2nd house / 4th house and 12th house. It means people may suffer due to liquidity wise/real estate policy-wise and may face sudden losses due to ineffective policy measures.   

What it means For India?

Lot of FDI will come in India. India will have a lot of money coming for investments. The overall importance of India will improve in the eyes of World Countries. India will be able to overcome all the issues created by neighbouring countries or inside people.

What it means for Trump?

He has all the chances of coming back to POWER at the last moment, if he is avaialble and ready. However, I will have to look into his horoscope and his opposite leaders’ horoscope for an exact prediction. This is a very general indication and I reserve the right to go wrong in this by 100%.

What NEXT?

Sun Ingress Chart is the sure-shot short cut method to understand the macro picture. I am writing my blogs based on this system since 2017. However, for a very correct picture or particular question – we suggest looking at the person or country’s horoscope.  

We are passing through an auspicious time of Ganesh Celebration in India at this moment. Take our personal input to uplift your life or to find out the answers related to your business or personal growth. You can also prepare yourself for the coming time based on your chart.

I wish you all a happy time.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh or on WhatsApp – +91-9869425399.


Live With Passion…Invest With Passion. 


Hitesh Parikh.


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