Practical Ways to come out of your losses in business/life and investments

29 November 2018

Practical Ways to come out of your losses in business/life and investments

Greetings from Hitesh! Our post on BAAZAAR was appreciated for the new way to look at it. Thanks for your responses. 2018 has been a landmark year in terms of stock losses when market index made a new high – be it leading portfolio managers/ fund managers / HNIs or Small investors. All were sailing in a same boat for the time being. Some small investors did suffer a major setback in their life and they are struggling to come out. This post will be more helpful to those kinds of guys who have taken a major blow.  

If you follow below given steps, I assure, you will come out.

Duniya main kitna GAM hey, Mera GAM kitna KAM hey:- 

In the times of losses, we focus on our losses. Most of the times, we avoid talking to others about it. If asked, we get irritated. This will not only affect your relations but also your health. As such you have suffered a financial loss. The best way is to look around for people who have also suffered a loss, try to understand their situations, why they also suffered a loss, try to help them – whatever you can do.

In the process, you will end up forgetting your issues and you will feel relieved that others have also made the same mistakes.

What opportunities are available at present times?

In the aftermath of losses, most guys talk about losses, their reasons and who caused it. By doing this, your losses will not get wiped out. You need to do something NEW, to make good your losses. So, ask questions – what are the opportunities available at this moment? How can I take advantage of the same? How can I come out of this?

When you focus on Opportunities - you will become positive from within and when you are positive from within – outside positive news will happen on its own.

What progress you are making?

Once you spot the new opportunities and try to work on them, you need to monitor your progress. Your progress will give you much hope and further fighting spirit to deal with the losses.

Even 1% progress, if noted, will make you confident that you can cover up 100% in the times to come. So, watch your progress.

How Today is better than Yesterday?

Once the losses are done – it is human to be sceptical about future. What will happen tomorrow? What will I do tomorrow? How will I pay for marriages of children or studies of children or who will I run my home expenses?

This kind of FUTURE worries will not allow you to focus on TODAY. The best way is to look at TODAY then tomorrow. To add more pleasure to TODAY, compare with yesterday. Yesterday you were in loss but today you have covered up 1% (as per above step). So, you will be more and more inclined to focus on TODAY and that will create miracles in your life.

What you can become now?

Say that you were So and So, you had so and so and you are ZERO or in minus now. If you compare your past status with today, you will go on feeling hopeless for tomorrow and you will not be able to focus on TODAY. The best way is to focus – what you can become NOW?

Your past is erased, and you are at ground ZERO. You have N number of FUTURE POSSIBILITIES NOW. Which one you want to select?

Focus on FUTURE POSSIBIITES and You will be HAPPY doing what you are doing NOW.

What are your RESPONSES?

Event of loss has already happened. What is your response now? Your response will decide your future. Your new decision will decide your new destiny. Responses are like NEWTON’s 3rd law of motion. Your actions and Reactions are going to be the same in force. So, give good responses.

What is available?

Under the given situations – you would be missing N number of things. You may not have resources to meet the goal at this moment. Don’t get despair. Focus on what is available and start with that.

You are not in an ideal position at this moment and naturally, people around you may not be supportive. In this situation, if you go on talking about MISSING resources, you will not be able to FOCUS on TODAY.

Start with whatever you have, or you can get.

What NEXT?

You can blame your GOD / your FATE / yourself or fellow members. In any of the above case, situations are not going to change. You will have to take above 7 steps, to come out of your situations.

Many times, losses occur due to uneducated ventures. Most people consider learning fine art of investing as a waste of time and resources. If you also have done investment without proper education, this time you can work on that aspect along with above 7 steps.

If you follow above steps, I am sure you will come out with flying colours next time.

I wish you all a GREAT INVESTING.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh / WhatsApp - +91-9869425399.

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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