If you can manage these Three Most Important Factors – you will have WHATEVER you want.

Sunday, 11 November 2018

If you can manage these Three Most Important Factors – you will have WHATEVER you want.

Greetings from Hitesh! North California is dealing with the most destructive fire of the century, as per the media reports. Time and again we have been writing about NORTH direction being affected severely. Many friends have taken initiatives to VERIFY their NORTH and take proper action to balance the same.

I am sure you would have observed the dilemma of people around you. They want to do good, but they are not able to do. They don’t want to do BAD, but they are forced to do by some forces.

Since I deal in INVESTMENTS – I come across following dilemma of many guys.

1.  They want to buy shares when market is low, but they don’t buy.

2.  They want to sell when market is up, but they don’t sell.

3.  After the event takes place – the shares they wanted to buy went up, they often tell that I knew it, but I did not buy. Same goes for selling shares.

4.  This can be applied to any areas. You wanted to buy MEDICLAIM, your agent was also after you, but somehow you did not buy, and now you are facing a huge hospital bill. You curse yourself for not buying that MEDICLAIM.

5.  You wanted a happy married life, but the wife was heavily influenced by your in-laws or wife wanted to settle but the HUSBAND side people were not supportive. This is common scenario. The result is divorce. Post-divorce, many feels that they were not interested in divorce, but somehow it took place.

Let me give you good news. If you are facing above issues or if you have observed above events in 21st century, you are not alone. 5000 years back, we had two guys and they also had the same questions.

In MAHABHARAT, Duryodhan had asked following to LORD KRISHNA when KRISHNA went for PEACE TALK in DURYODHAN Court.

Janami dharmam na cha me pravrttih,
janamyadharmam na cha me nivrttih;
kenapi devena hrdi sthitena yatha niyuktosmi tatha karomi"

(I know what dharma is, what adharma is, but I can never follow dharma, nor abstain from adharma; it is as though some powerful deity was seated in his heart and I acted as directed by him).

In chapter 3, verse 36,  Arjun asked the Lord Krishna –

Arjuna uvaacha:-

atha kena prayuktoyam paapam charati poorushah |
anicchannapi vaarshneya balaadiva niyojitaha || 36 ||

Then, what compels people to commit sin against their wishes, O Vaarshneya, as if commanded forcefully?

The FAMOUS Villian and the FAMOUS Hero in MAHABHARAT, both had the same issue. They want to know, why they were doing, what they were doing.

They had the best consultant of all time – LORD KRISHNA and he answered them very scientifically, which modern science could prove in last century only. So, for 4900 years, world lived with not so logical answers.

It is said that SETAN / KAAL is making you do what you are doing. SETAN / KAAL is stopping you from doing right things and that’s why you are facing this problem. If you follow this logic, SETAN or KAAL becomes more powerful than GOD!!

Many would say – it is in your LUCK that’s why you are facing this.

If KRISHNA also used above reasons – the Gita would not have become immortal. He gave very scientific answer.


In the fourteenth chapter of the Bhagavadgita, Lord Krishna gives us a very detailed description and definition of the three gunas, which is summarized below.

1.  Sattva is pure, without impurities, illuminating and free from sickness. It binds the soul through attachment with happiness and knowledge (14.6).

2.  Rajas is full of passion (ragatmakam) and is born out of "thrishna" (thirst or intense desire) and "sanga" (attachment). It binds the soul through attachment with action (14.7).

3.  Tamas is the darkness and the crudeness in man. It is "ajnanajam" (born of ignorance) and "mohanam" (the cause of delusion). It binds the soul through recklessness, indolence and sleep (14.8).

Modern science calls them – Electron / Proton and Neutron. In BHAGWAT, poet VYAS call them – VISHNU / BRHAMA and SHIV. All are talking about the same 3 elements in their own vocabulary.

So, we all are governed by above three qualities. Let me share an example of CAR to deal with the three qualities.

You know that you need three things to drive a car – Driver / Accelerator and Brake. Driver starts and drives the CAR / Accelerator Speeds up and Brake Stops the CAR. Simple!!

If you have any of the above alone – you can’t drive the CAR. With any two – say with only Driver and Accelerator – CAR will not stop. With only Driver and Brake- The car will not start!!

In the above example driver is Electron and balances the other two – Proton (accelerator) and Neutron(brake).

If the DRIVER / BRAKE AND ACCELERATOR are working in balance, the RIDERS will reach to their destination safely.

How your actions are determined?

The interplay of the above three gunas, take you for a ride. When TAMAS is dominant – you are FEARFULL – you will miss the opportunity. I have been telling from 2008 end onwards to invest / invest and invest in Indian Market. Most guys were under fear or averse to risk or lazy, so they were under TAMAS and they missed the opportunity. Same thing I have observed with clients when they approach me for ASTRO-VASTU Remedies. They only approach astrologer when they have issues. Ideally, these are the things which should be done in regular course and not when in your in soup.

When RAJAS is dominant – you will be GREEDY, and you will do what you should not be doing. We have given a bold SELL call in 2017, but all the FUND managers and MEDIA was talking about TEJI. So, normal investors – take a huge position and they suffered huge losses. This is the result of GREED.

All ME TOO which are coming out now, because somebody felt greedy for the women around him. The women were FEARFUL at that time, so they did not come out openly. But SATAVA is dominant now – so they are opening up about their suffering. 

For the best resutls for the NORMAL guy, who is interested in his HEALTH, WEALTH and RELATIONS – must balance these three gunas in his life.

How People dominated by EACH GUNA will take DECISION?

The TAMAS guys will focus on price. He will BARGAIN with PRICE. He will be more worried for SELLER’s Profit. He will try to find out the BEST PRICE. He will waste lot of time in deciding due to this.

The RAJAS guy is interested in THINGS. He can’t stop enjoying things. This is the guy who will go out of the way to buy things on LOAN or CREDIT CARDS. This guy will suffer due to TENSION of paying back.

SATVA guys do not look at the things and price at all. They look at the PERSON selling /telling them. If they find PERSON is correct – they don’t waste time in deciding about buying. Most successful guys buy the most BRANDED LUXURY Products – because they know that the person (BRAND) is right. That’s why ROLEX and MERCEDES have values. They save lot of time in the process and they always remain ahead of the TAMAS and RAJAS guys.


It is advised that one should wake up in Braham Mahurata between 3am to 4am. During that time the 3 gunas are in balance by nature. So, when you wake up during this time,when three gunas are in balance, your day passes in balance.

Another TRICK LORD KRISHNA SAID in chapter 18, slok 13-14, on which I have written N number of times is to BALANCE your VASTU – place of staying – with three GUNAS. When your VASTU – HOME and OFFICE both are aligned and balanced with 3 gunas – all you get is abundance of HEALTH / WEALTH AND HAPPY RELATIONSHIPS.

What NEXT?

If you are looking for the BEST the life has to offer you, you must balance the above three GUNAS. If you wish, you can approach me for the HOLISTIC solutions.

May you have a TRANSFORMATION in this year.


Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh / WhatsApp - +91-9869425399.

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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